Key indicators
The following analysis reflects the experience across the population of Facit and Shawforth.
Students eligible for free school meals in state-funded schools
This chart shows the percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals at different tyes of state-funded schools in Facit and Shawforth.
School pupil characteristicsNo data available at this level.
Personal wellbeing - happiness
This chart shows the percentage of people who responded as poor, fair, good, and very good to the question "Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday?" in Facit and Shawforth.
Personal wellbeingNo data available at this level.
Personal wellbeing - worthwhile
This chart shows the percentage of people who responded as poor, fair, good, and very good to the question "Overall, to what extent do you feel that the things you do in your life are worthwhile?" in Facit and Shawforth.
Personal wellbeingNo data available at this level.
Personal wellbeing - life-satisfaction
This chart shows the percentage of people who responded as poor, fair, good, and very good to the question "On a scale where 0 is “not at all anxious” and 10 is “completely anxious”, overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday?" in Facit and Shawforth.
Personal wellbeingNo data available at this level.
Personal wellbeing - anxiety
This chart shows the percentage of people who responded as poor, fair, good, and very good to the question "Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays?" in Facit and Shawforth.
Personal wellbeingNo data available at this level.