Welcome to the Northern England Insight Finder (NEIF).

Read more about this prototype

NEIF is a prototype developed in partnership by the JRF's Insight Infrastructure and Open Innovations. It is a data and insight hub that, by linking up existing open-source datasets, aims to provide ease of access to data that would be, otherwise, scattered across different websites, and that would require time, skills and resources to be joined up, analysed and visualised.

Where this prototype is different from other data platforms and repositories is in its ability to:

When developing this platform, we decided to limit its content to 34 data sources and identified 3 spotlights. This is enough to get us going, test the concept and the data architecture required to build it.

3 spotlights

shedding light on a poverty-related topic

1645 places

profiling key information about a place

34 datasets

cataloguing the sources of the data shown on the site

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Use the input below to search for content from across the site. The site knows about places in the North of England (to ward level) and poverty related data.