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Place page for Wakefield (Metropolitan Borough).

Population estimates for Wakefield

What's on this chart?

This chart shows place-based statistics for Wakefield. The map is coloured by population. Hover on the map for more detailed information.

Ackworth, North Elmsall and Upton Population: 17,746 No. of Households: 6,480 GVA (£m): 120.162 Population density (per square km): 378 <a href="../E05001444/">Visit place page</a>Airedale and Ferry Fryston Population: 15,892 No. of Households: 7,210 GVA (£m): 86.332 Population density (per square km): 2,064 <a href="../E05001445/">Visit place page</a>Altofts and Whitwood Population: 18,398 No. of Households: 6,690 GVA (£m): 587.445 Population density (per square km): 1,391 <a href="../E05001446/">Visit place page</a>Castleford Central and Glasshoughton Population: 16,843 No. of Households: 6,020 GVA (£m): 798.036 Population density (per square km): 2,418 <a href="../E05001447/">Visit place page</a>Crofton, Ryhill and Walton Population: 15,875 No. of Households: 7,010 GVA (£m): 110.98 Population density (per square km): 435 <a href="../E05001448/">Visit place page</a>Featherstone Population: 17,299 No. of Households: 7,810 GVA (£m): 217.478 Population density (per square km): 808 <a href="../E05001449/">Visit place page</a>Hemsworth Population: 15,979 No. of Households: 7,830 GVA (£m): 137.499 Population density (per square km): 729 <a href="../E05001450/">Visit place page</a>Horbury and South Ossett Population: 15,513 No. of Households: 7,170 GVA (£m): 150.917 Population density (per square km): 2,373 <a href="../E05001451/">Visit place page</a>Knottingley Population: 14,363 No. of Households: 6,850 GVA (£m): 586.067 Population density (per square km): 1,143 <a href="../E05001452/">Visit place page</a>Normanton Population: 17,334 No. of Households: 8,290 GVA (£m): 489.369 Population density (per square km): 1,352 <a href="../E05001453/">Visit place page</a>Ossett Population: 16,678 No. of Households: 7,730 GVA (£m): 336.493 Population density (per square km): 1,369 <a href="../E05001454/">Visit place page</a>Pontefract North Population: 18,035 No. of Households: 9,090 GVA (£m): 380.544 Population density (per square km): 1,461 <a href="../E05001455/">Visit place page</a>Pontefract South Population: 15,238 No. of Households: 7,110 GVA (£m): 120.736 Population density (per square km): 734 <a href="../E05001456/">Visit place page</a>South Elmsall and South Kirkby Population: 19,279 No. of Households: 8,480 GVA (£m): 372.472 Population density (per square km): 1,265 <a href="../E05001457/">Visit place page</a>Stanley and Outwood East Population: 16,568 No. of Households: 8,810 GVA (£m): 449.937 Population density (per square km): 1,202 <a href="../E05001458/">Visit place page</a>Wakefield East Population: 17,232 No. of Households: 6,450 GVA (£m): 379.855 Population density (per square km): 3,325 <a href="../E05001459/">Visit place page</a>Wakefield North Population: 17,647 No. of Households: 6,240 GVA (£m): 816.125 Population density (per square km): 4,418 <a href="../E05001460/">Visit place page</a>Wakefield Rural Population: 17,736 No. of Households: 7,990 GVA (£m): 450.302 Population density (per square km): 411 <a href="../E05001461/">Visit place page</a>Wakefield South Population: 14,906 No. of Households: 7,250 GVA (£m): 201.381 Population density (per square km): 1,904 <a href="../E05001462/">Visit place page</a>Wakefield West Population: 16,555 No. of Households: 7,450 GVA (£m): 339.412 Population density (per square km): 2,512 <a href="../E05001463/">Visit place page</a>Wrenthorpe and Outwood West Population: 16,476 No. of Households: 7,740 GVA (£m): 922.065 Population density (per square km): 1,548 <a href="../E05001464/">Visit place page</a>
- Place statistics
Population estimate 353,802
Number of households 163,360
Population density 1,046 people per sq. km
GVA £8,575m
Area 338 sq. km
- Poverty statistics
People in low income households 0
Unemployment 4.6%
Economic Inactivity 23.2%
Children in low income households 15001
IMD average score 27.306
IMD for children 0.197
IMD for older people 0.145

Data Tables

Area Population estimate Number of households GVA (£m) Population density Area in sq km
Ackworth, North Elmsall and Upton (Ward or Electoral Division) 17746 6480 120 378 47
Airedale and Ferry Fryston (Ward or Electoral Division) 15892 7210 86 2064 8
Altofts and Whitwood (Ward or Electoral Division) 18398 6690 587 1391 13
Castleford Central and Glasshoughton (Ward or Electoral Division) 16843 6020 798 2418 7
Crofton, Ryhill and Walton (Ward or Electoral Division) 15875 7010 111 435 36
Featherstone (Ward or Electoral Division) 17299 7810 217 808 21
Hemsworth (Ward or Electoral Division) 15979 7830 137 729 22
Horbury and South Ossett (Ward or Electoral Division) 15513 7170 151 2373 7
Knottingley (Ward or Electoral Division) 14363 6850 586 1143 13
Normanton (Ward or Electoral Division) 17334 8290 489 1352 13
Ossett (Ward or Electoral Division) 16678 7730 336 1369 12
Pontefract North (Ward or Electoral Division) 18035 9090 381 1461 12
Pontefract South (Ward or Electoral Division) 15238 7110 121 734 21
South Elmsall and South Kirkby (Ward or Electoral Division) 19279 8480 372 1265 15
Stanley and Outwood East (Ward or Electoral Division) 16568 8810 450 1202 14
Wakefield East (Ward or Electoral Division) 17232 6450 380 3325 5
Wakefield North (Ward or Electoral Division) 17647 6240 816 4418 4
Wakefield Rural (Ward or Electoral Division) 17736 7990 450 411 43
Wakefield South (Ward or Electoral Division) 14906 7250 201 1904 8
Wakefield West (Ward or Electoral Division) 16555 7450 339 2512 7
Wrenthorpe and Outwood West (Ward or Electoral Division) 16476 7740 922 1548 11
Wakefield (Metropolitan Borough) 353802 163360 8575 1046 338
Yorkshire and The Humber (English Region) 5481431 2511090 133362 357 15370
The North (Pan-region) 15550498 7197990 385871 409 38037
West Yorkshire (Combined Authority) 2349987 1042450 60136 1161 2023
Area Children in poverty Number of children IMD average score IMD - children IMD - older people Number of people living in low-income households Unemployment rate aged 16-64 (%) Economically inactive (%)
Ackworth, North Elmsall and Upton (Ward or Electoral Division) 4021
Airedale and Ferry Fryston (Ward or Electoral Division) 4258
Altofts and Whitwood (Ward or Electoral Division) 4188
Castleford Central and Glasshoughton (Ward or Electoral Division) 3397
Crofton, Ryhill and Walton (Ward or Electoral Division) 3580
Featherstone (Ward or Electoral Division) 4108
Hemsworth (Ward or Electoral Division) 3751
Horbury and South Ossett (Ward or Electoral Division) 3368
Knottingley (Ward or Electoral Division) 3472
Normanton (Ward or Electoral Division) 3968
Ossett (Ward or Electoral Division) 3728
Pontefract North (Ward or Electoral Division) 4159
Pontefract South (Ward or Electoral Division) 3526
South Elmsall and South Kirkby (Ward or Electoral Division) 4785
Stanley and Outwood East (Ward or Electoral Division) 3594
Wakefield East (Ward or Electoral Division) 4409
Wakefield North (Ward or Electoral Division) 3902
Wakefield Rural (Ward or Electoral Division) 3617
Wakefield South (Ward or Electoral Division) 3474
Wakefield West (Ward or Electoral Division) 4315
Wrenthorpe and Outwood West (Ward or Electoral Division) 3654
Wakefield (Metropolitan Borough) 15001 80058 27 5 23
Yorkshire and The Humber (English Region) 1276610 266380 4 23
The North (Pan-region) 3596949 856761 4 24
West Yorkshire (Combined Authority) 586078 4 23