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Place page for Leeds (Metropolitan Borough).

Population estimates for Leeds

What's on this chart?

This chart shows place-based statistics for Leeds. The map is coloured by population. Hover on the map for more detailed information.

Ardsley & Robin Hood Population: 22,699 No. of Households: 8,900 GVA (£m): 152.488 Population density (per square km): 1,278 <a href="../E05011384/">Visit place page</a>Armley Population: 25,313 No. of Households: 10,870 GVA (£m): 768.317 Population density (per square km): 4,268 <a href="../E05011385/">Visit place page</a>Bramley & Stanningley Population: 22,613 No. of Households: 11,030 GVA (£m): 268.998 Population density (per square km): 3,254 <a href="../E05011387/">Visit place page</a>Burmantofts & Richmond Hill Population: 28,766 No. of Households: 11,580 GVA (£m): 529.664 Population density (per square km): 3,179 <a href="../E05011388/">Visit place page</a>Calverley & Farsley Population: 23,248 No. of Households: 10,470 GVA (£m): 664.006 Population density (per square km): 1,885 <a href="../E05011389/">Visit place page</a>Chapel Allerton Population: 24,471 No. of Households: 10,980 GVA (£m): 306.143 Population density (per square km): 4,783 <a href="../E05011390/">Visit place page</a>Cross Gates & Whinmoor Population: 23,327 No. of Households: 11,280 GVA (£m): 511.038 Population density (per square km): 2,246 <a href="../E05011391/">Visit place page</a>Gipton & Harehills Population: 33,645 No. of Households: 12,440 GVA (£m): 141.282 Population density (per square km): 8,053 <a href="../E05011394/">Visit place page</a>Guiseley & Rawdon Population: 22,697 No. of Households: 10,380 GVA (£m): 352.195 Population density (per square km): 1,103 <a href="../E05011395/">Visit place page</a>Harewood Population: 18,182 No. of Households: 8,280 GVA (£m): 991.929 Population density (per square km): 166 <a href="../E05011396/">Visit place page</a>Headingley & Hyde Park Population: 32,459 No. of Households: 9,650 GVA (£m): 265.172 Population density (per square km): 10,767 <a href="../E05011397/">Visit place page</a>Hunslet & Riverside Population: 28,727 No. of Households: 15,870 GVA (£m): 6,994.494 Population density (per square km): 3,236 <a href="../E05011399/">Visit place page</a>Killingbeck & Seacroft Population: 24,901 No. of Households: 11,370 GVA (£m): 729.479 Population density (per square km): 3,946 <a href="../E05011400/">Visit place page</a>Kippax & Methley Population: 21,222 No. of Households: 10,090 GVA (£m): 185.373 Population density (per square km): 512 <a href="../E05011401/">Visit place page</a>Kirkstall Population: 22,223 No. of Households: 9,980 GVA (£m): 356.962 Population density (per square km): 4,219 <a href="../E05011402/">Visit place page</a>Little London & Woodhouse Population: 37,849 No. of Households: 15,540 GVA (£m): 4,114.481 Population density (per square km): 7,804 <a href="../E05011403/">Visit place page</a>Middleton Park Population: 28,811 No. of Households: 10,670 GVA (£m): 185.92 Population density (per square km): 3,032 <a href="../E05011404/">Visit place page</a>Moortown Population: 22,471 No. of Households: 9,230 GVA (£m): 197.534 Population density (per square km): 3,993 <a href="../E05011405/">Visit place page</a>Morley North Population: 22,482 No. of Households: 11,050 GVA (£m): 1,068.437 Population density (per square km): 1,676 <a href="../E05011406/">Visit place page</a>Morley South Population: 22,574 No. of Households: 11,010 GVA (£m): 663.038 Population density (per square km): 1,742 <a href="../E05011407/">Visit place page</a>Pudsey Population: 24,747 No. of Households: 11,900 GVA (£m): 446.729 Population density (per square km): 2,411 <a href="../E05011409/">Visit place page</a>Rothwell Population: 20,250 No. of Households: 8,980 GVA (£m): 196.144 Population density (per square km): 1,004 <a href="../E05011410/">Visit place page</a>Roundhay Population: 23,259 No. of Households: 10,010 GVA (£m): 275.937 Population density (per square km): 2,646 <a href="../E05011411/">Visit place page</a>Weetwood Population: 21,542 No. of Households: 10,220 GVA (£m): 433.2 Population density (per square km): 3,150 <a href="../E05011413/">Visit place page</a>Wetherby Population: 20,567 No. of Households: 10,040 GVA (£m): 713.247 Population density (per square km): 449 <a href="../E05011414/">Visit place page</a>Horsforth Population: 22,447 No. of Households: 10,510 GVA (£m): 447.699 Population density (per square km): 1,973 <a href="../E05011547/">Visit place page</a>Otley & Yeadon Population: 22,064 No. of Households: 11,080 GVA (£m): 347.344 Population density (per square km): 961 <a href="../E05011549/">Visit place page</a>Beeston & Holbeck Population: 26,957 No. of Households: 10,640 GVA (£m): 1,590.778 Population density (per square km): 3,622 <a href="../E05012647/">Visit place page</a>Farnley & Wortley Population: 24,329 No. of Households: 12,550 GVA (£m): 614.836 Population density (per square km): 1,964 <a href="../E05012648/">Visit place page</a>Adel & Wharfedale Population: 19,605 No. of Households: 10,260 GVA (£m): 322.681 Population density (per square km): 655 <a href="../E05012841/">Visit place page</a>Alwoodley Population: 22,944 No. of Households: 10,890 GVA (£m): 234.733 Population density (per square km): 1,164 <a href="../E05012842/">Visit place page</a>Garforth & Swillington Population: 0 No. of Households: 9,190 GVA (£m): 447.766 Population density (per square km): 0 <a href="../E05013830/">Visit place page</a>Temple Newsam Population: 0 No. of Households: 10,560 GVA (£m): 1,276.319 Population density (per square km): 0 <a href="../E05013831/">Visit place page</a>
- Place statistics
Population estimate 809,036
Number of households 369,550
Population density 1,472 people per sq. km
GVA £27,901m
Area 549 sq. km
- Poverty statistics
People in low income households 0
Unemployment 2.6%
Economic Inactivity 20.4%
Children in low income households 39995
IMD average score 27.301
IMD for children 0.203
IMD for older people 0.156

Data Tables

Area Population estimate Number of households GVA (£m) Population density Area in sq km
Ardsley & Robin Hood (Ward or Electoral Division) 22699 8900 152 1278 18
Armley (Ward or Electoral Division) 25313 10870 768 4268 6
Bramley & Stanningley (Ward or Electoral Division) 22613 11030 269 3254 7
Burmantofts & Richmond Hill (Ward or Electoral Division) 28766 11580 530 3179 9
Calverley & Farsley (Ward or Electoral Division) 23248 10470 664 1885 12
Chapel Allerton (Ward or Electoral Division) 24471 10980 306 4783 5
Cross Gates & Whinmoor (Ward or Electoral Division) 23327 11280 511 2246 10
Gipton & Harehills (Ward or Electoral Division) 33645 12440 141 8053 4
Guiseley & Rawdon (Ward or Electoral Division) 22697 10380 352 1103 21
Harewood (Ward or Electoral Division) 18182 8280 992 166 110
Headingley & Hyde Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 32459 9650 265 10767 3
Hunslet & Riverside (Ward or Electoral Division) 28727 15870 6994 3236 9
Killingbeck & Seacroft (Ward or Electoral Division) 24901 11370 729 3946 6
Kippax & Methley (Ward or Electoral Division) 21222 10090 185 512 41
Kirkstall (Ward or Electoral Division) 22223 9980 357 4219 5
Little London & Woodhouse (Ward or Electoral Division) 37849 15540 4114 7804 5
Middleton Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 28811 10670 186 3032 10
Moortown (Ward or Electoral Division) 22471 9230 198 3993 6
Morley North (Ward or Electoral Division) 22482 11050 1068 1676 13
Morley South (Ward or Electoral Division) 22574 11010 663 1742 13
Pudsey (Ward or Electoral Division) 24747 11900 447 2411 10
Rothwell (Ward or Electoral Division) 20250 8980 196 1004 20
Roundhay (Ward or Electoral Division) 23259 10010 276 2646 9
Weetwood (Ward or Electoral Division) 21542 10220 433 3150 7
Wetherby (Ward or Electoral Division) 20567 10040 713 449 46
Horsforth (Ward or Electoral Division) 22447 10510 448 1973 11
Otley & Yeadon (Ward or Electoral Division) 22064 11080 347 961 23
Beeston & Holbeck (Ward or Electoral Division) 26957 10640 1591 3622 7
Farnley & Wortley (Ward or Electoral Division) 24329 12550 615 1964 12
Adel & Wharfedale (Ward or Electoral Division) 19605 10260 323 655 30
Alwoodley (Ward or Electoral Division) 22944 10890 235 1164 20
Garforth & Swillington (Ward or Electoral Division) 9190 448 28
Temple Newsam (Ward or Electoral Division) 10560 1276 12
Leeds (Metropolitan Borough) 809036 369550 27901 1472 549
Yorkshire and The Humber (English Region) 5481431 2511090 133362 357 15370
The North (Pan-region) 15550498 7197990 385871 409 38037
West Yorkshire (Combined Authority) 2349987 1042450 60136 1161 2023
Area Children in poverty Number of children IMD average score IMD - children IMD - older people Number of people living in low-income households Unemployment rate aged 16-64 (%) Economically inactive (%)
Ardsley & Robin Hood (Ward or Electoral Division) 5609
Armley (Ward or Electoral Division) 6129
Bramley & Stanningley (Ward or Electoral Division) 5693
Burmantofts & Richmond Hill (Ward or Electoral Division) 8862
Calverley & Farsley (Ward or Electoral Division) 5597
Chapel Allerton (Ward or Electoral Division) 6181
Cross Gates & Whinmoor (Ward or Electoral Division) 5751
Gipton & Harehills (Ward or Electoral Division) 12760
Guiseley & Rawdon (Ward or Electoral Division) 5424
Harewood (Ward or Electoral Division) 3924
Headingley & Hyde Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 3938
Hunslet & Riverside (Ward or Electoral Division) 6691
Killingbeck & Seacroft (Ward or Electoral Division) 7119
Kippax & Methley (Ward or Electoral Division) 4921
Kirkstall (Ward or Electoral Division) 4345
Little London & Woodhouse (Ward or Electoral Division) 8479
Middleton Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 8630
Moortown (Ward or Electoral Division) 5379
Morley North (Ward or Electoral Division) 4896
Morley South (Ward or Electoral Division) 4988
Pudsey (Ward or Electoral Division) 5951
Rothwell (Ward or Electoral Division) 4645
Roundhay (Ward or Electoral Division) 5968
Weetwood (Ward or Electoral Division) 4955
Wetherby (Ward or Electoral Division) 4228
Horsforth (Ward or Electoral Division) 5523
Otley & Yeadon (Ward or Electoral Division) 4680
Beeston & Holbeck (Ward or Electoral Division) 7278
Farnley & Wortley (Ward or Electoral Division) 6008
Adel & Wharfedale (Ward or Electoral Division) 4557
Alwoodley (Ward or Electoral Division) 5660
Garforth & Swillington (Ward or Electoral Division)
Temple Newsam (Ward or Electoral Division)
Leeds (Metropolitan Borough) 39995 194017 27 3 20
Yorkshire and The Humber (English Region) 1276610 266380 4 23
The North (Pan-region) 3596949 856761 4 24
West Yorkshire (Combined Authority) 586078 4 23