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Place page for Calderdale (Metropolitan Borough).

Population estimates for Calderdale

What's on this chart?

This chart shows place-based statistics for Calderdale. The map is coloured by population. Hover on the map for more detailed information.

Brighouse Population: 11,199 No. of Households: 5,620 GVA (£m): 571.539 Population density (per square km): 934 <a href="../E05001371/">Visit place page</a>Calder Population: 12,067 No. of Households: 6,110 GVA (£m): 176.594 Population density (per square km): 117 <a href="../E05001372/">Visit place page</a>Elland Population: 12,218 No. of Households: 5,680 GVA (£m): 756.805 Population density (per square km): 1,310 <a href="../E05001373/">Visit place page</a>Greetland and Stainland Population: 11,318 No. of Households: 4,380 GVA (£m): 149.261 Population density (per square km): 589 <a href="../E05001374/">Visit place page</a>Hipperholme and Lightcliffe Population: 12,245 No. of Households: 5,330 GVA (£m): 144.077 Population density (per square km): 1,203 <a href="../E05001375/">Visit place page</a>Illingworth and Mixenden Population: 12,805 No. of Households: 5,370 GVA (£m): 154.123 Population density (per square km): 824 <a href="../E05001376/">Visit place page</a>Luddendenfoot Population: 10,713 No. of Households: 4,980 GVA (£m): 153.581 Population density (per square km): 231 <a href="../E05001377/">Visit place page</a>Northowram and Shelf Population: 11,735 No. of Households: 5,510 GVA (£m): 210.876 Population density (per square km): 881 <a href="../E05001378/">Visit place page</a>Ovenden Population: 12,729 No. of Households: 6,230 GVA (£m): 89.451 Population density (per square km): 3,844 <a href="../E05001379/">Visit place page</a>Park Population: 16,371 No. of Households: 5,750 GVA (£m): 268.507 Population density (per square km): 7,642 <a href="../E05001380/">Visit place page</a>Rastrick Population: 11,212 No. of Households: 5,730 GVA (£m): 134.206 Population density (per square km): 2,627 <a href="../E05001381/">Visit place page</a>Ryburn Population: 11,546 No. of Households: 5,960 GVA (£m): 270.744 Population density (per square km): 188 <a href="../E05001382/">Visit place page</a>Skircoat Population: 13,571 No. of Households: 5,700 GVA (£m): 358.977 Population density (per square km): 3,832 <a href="../E05001383/">Visit place page</a>Sowerby Bridge Population: 12,111 No. of Households: 5,470 GVA (£m): 223.01 Population density (per square km): 3,029 <a href="../E05001384/">Visit place page</a>Todmorden Population: 12,414 No. of Households: 5,800 GVA (£m): 110.935 Population density (per square km): 325 <a href="../E05001385/">Visit place page</a>Town Population: 13,106 No. of Households: 6,000 GVA (£m): 1,319.402 Population density (per square km): 1,454 <a href="../E05001386/">Visit place page</a>Warley Population: 14,079 No. of Households: 5,470 GVA (£m): 97.087 Population density (per square km): 1,983 <a href="../E05001387/">Visit place page</a>
- Place statistics
Population estimate 206,818
Number of households 96,710
Population density 571 people per sq. km
GVA £5,009m
Area 362 sq. km
- Poverty statistics
People in low income households 0
Unemployment 3.7%
Economic Inactivity 23.6%
Children in low income households 10990
IMD average score 26.351
IMD for children 0.196
IMD for older people 0.14

Data Tables

Area Population estimate Number of households GVA (£m) Population density Area in sq km
Brighouse (Ward or Electoral Division) 11199 5620 572 934 12
Calder (Ward or Electoral Division) 12067 6110 177 117 103
Elland (Ward or Electoral Division) 12218 5680 757 1310 9
Greetland and Stainland (Ward or Electoral Division) 11318 4380 149 589 19
Hipperholme and Lightcliffe (Ward or Electoral Division) 12245 5330 144 1203 10
Illingworth and Mixenden (Ward or Electoral Division) 12805 5370 154 824 16
Luddendenfoot (Ward or Electoral Division) 10713 4980 154 231 46
Northowram and Shelf (Ward or Electoral Division) 11735 5510 211 881 13
Ovenden (Ward or Electoral Division) 12729 6230 89 3844 3
Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 16371 5750 269 7642 2
Rastrick (Ward or Electoral Division) 11212 5730 134 2627 4
Ryburn (Ward or Electoral Division) 11546 5960 271 188 61
Skircoat (Ward or Electoral Division) 13571 5700 359 3832 4
Sowerby Bridge (Ward or Electoral Division) 12111 5470 223 3029 4
Todmorden (Ward or Electoral Division) 12414 5800 111 325 38
Town (Ward or Electoral Division) 13106 6000 1319 1454 9
Warley (Ward or Electoral Division) 14079 5470 97 1983 7
Calderdale (Metropolitan Borough) 206818 96710 5009 571 362
Yorkshire and The Humber (English Region) 5481431 2511090 133362 357 15370
The North (Pan-region) 15550498 7197990 385871 409 38037
West Yorkshire (Combined Authority) 2349987 1042450 60136 1161 2023
Area Children in poverty Number of children IMD average score IMD - children IMD - older people Number of people living in low-income households Unemployment rate aged 16-64 (%) Economically inactive (%)
Brighouse (Ward or Electoral Division) 2219
Calder (Ward or Electoral Division) 2478
Elland (Ward or Electoral Division) 2828
Greetland and Stainland (Ward or Electoral Division) 2560
Hipperholme and Lightcliffe (Ward or Electoral Division) 2779
Illingworth and Mixenden (Ward or Electoral Division) 3262
Luddendenfoot (Ward or Electoral Division) 2310
Northowram and Shelf (Ward or Electoral Division) 2337
Ovenden (Ward or Electoral Division) 3467
Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 5557
Rastrick (Ward or Electoral Division) 2243
Ryburn (Ward or Electoral Division) 2751
Skircoat (Ward or Electoral Division) 3126
Sowerby Bridge (Ward or Electoral Division) 2554
Todmorden (Ward or Electoral Division) 2755
Town (Ward or Electoral Division) 2738
Warley (Ward or Electoral Division) 4122
Calderdale (Metropolitan Borough) 10990 49130 26 4 24
Yorkshire and The Humber (English Region) 1276610 266380 4 23
The North (Pan-region) 3596949 856761 4 24
West Yorkshire (Combined Authority) 586078 4 23