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Place page for Newcastle upon Tyne (Metropolitan Borough).

Population estimates for Newcastle upon Tyne

What's on this chart?

This chart shows place-based statistics for Newcastle upon Tyne. The map is coloured by population. Hover on the map for more detailed information.

Arthur's Hill Population: 15,639 No. of Households: 4,080 GVA (£m): 139.25 Population density (per square km): 13,582 <a href="../E05011436/">Visit place page</a>Benwell & Scotswood Population: 12,503 No. of Households: 5,380 GVA (£m): 146.902 Population density (per square km): 3,540 <a href="../E05011437/">Visit place page</a>Blakelaw Population: 10,809 No. of Households: 5,700 GVA (£m): 77.16 Population density (per square km): 3,537 <a href="../E05011438/">Visit place page</a>Byker Population: 11,767 No. of Households: 4,790 GVA (£m): 262.052 Population density (per square km): 4,990 <a href="../E05011439/">Visit place page</a>Callerton & Throckley Population: 9,976 No. of Households: 5,920 GVA (£m): 212.783 Population density (per square km): 414 <a href="../E05011440/">Visit place page</a>Castle Population: 12,441 No. of Households: 3,930 GVA (£m): 340.056 Population density (per square km): 584 <a href="../E05011441/">Visit place page</a>Chapel Population: 8,877 No. of Households: 4,820 GVA (£m): 54.317 Population density (per square km): 3,254 <a href="../E05011442/">Visit place page</a>Dene & South Gosforth Population: 9,879 No. of Households: 4,100 GVA (£m): 899.969 Population density (per square km): 3,334 <a href="../E05011443/">Visit place page</a>Denton & Westerhope Population: 12,574 No. of Households: 5,600 GVA (£m): 91.789 Population density (per square km): 5,067 <a href="../E05011444/">Visit place page</a>Elswick Population: 16,252 No. of Households: 5,480 GVA (£m): 476.561 Population density (per square km): 5,339 <a href="../E05011445/">Visit place page</a>Fawdon & West Gosforth Population: 10,167 No. of Households: 5,440 GVA (£m): 468.838 Population density (per square km): 4,013 <a href="../E05011446/">Visit place page</a>Gosforth Population: 10,665 No. of Households: 4,760 GVA (£m): 166.265 Population density (per square km): 4,765 <a href="../E05011447/">Visit place page</a>Heaton Population: 11,415 No. of Households: 5,140 GVA (£m): 81.922 Population density (per square km): 7,252 <a href="../E05011448/">Visit place page</a>Kenton Population: 10,878 No. of Households: 4,930 GVA (£m): 155.351 Population density (per square km): 4,981 <a href="../E05011449/">Visit place page</a>Kingston Park South & Newbiggin Hall Population: 10,640 No. of Households: 4,190 GVA (£m): 142.808 Population density (per square km): 3,921 <a href="../E05011450/">Visit place page</a>Lemington Population: 9,965 No. of Households: 4,500 GVA (£m): 310.838 Population density (per square km): 2,065 <a href="../E05011451/">Visit place page</a>Manor Park Population: 9,344 No. of Households: 3,980 GVA (£m): 159.857 Population density (per square km): 3,925 <a href="../E05011452/">Visit place page</a>Monument Population: 18,192 No. of Households: 5,960 GVA (£m): 3,178.093 Population density (per square km): 6,005 <a href="../E05011453/">Visit place page</a>North Jesmond Population: 10,448 No. of Households: 4,130 GVA (£m): 91.036 Population density (per square km): 9,237 <a href="../E05011454/">Visit place page</a>Ouseburn Population: 13,964 No. of Households: 8,450 GVA (£m): 737.119 Population density (per square km): 12,785 <a href="../E05011455/">Visit place page</a>Parklands Population: 11,259 No. of Households: 5,270 GVA (£m): 160.511 Population density (per square km): 1,279 <a href="../E05011456/">Visit place page</a>South Jesmond Population: 11,175 No. of Households: 3,280 GVA (£m): 107.875 Population density (per square km): 7,879 <a href="../E05011457/">Visit place page</a>Walker Population: 11,866 No. of Households: 5,470 GVA (£m): 209.574 Population density (per square km): 4,553 <a href="../E05011458/">Visit place page</a>Walkergate Population: 11,699 No. of Households: 6,580 GVA (£m): 236.026 Population density (per square km): 3,280 <a href="../E05011459/">Visit place page</a>West Fenham Population: 11,013 No. of Households: 4,440 GVA (£m): 112.974 Population density (per square km): 4,838 <a href="../E05011460/">Visit place page</a>Wingrove Population: 13,417 No. of Households: 3,880 GVA (£m): 102.547 Population density (per square km): 3,343 <a href="../E05011461/">Visit place page</a>
- Place statistics
Population estimate 298,264
Number of households 138,970
Population density 2,637 people per sq. km
GVA £9,455m
Area 113 sq. km
- Poverty statistics
People in low income households 0
Unemployment 3.9%
Economic Inactivity 29%
Children in low income households 18138
IMD average score 29.79
IMD for children 0.247
IMD for older people 0.218

Data Tables

Area Population estimate Number of households GVA (£m) Population density Area in sq km
Arthur's Hill (Ward or Electoral Division) 15639 4080 139 13582 1
Benwell & Scotswood (Ward or Electoral Division) 12503 5380 147 3540 4
Blakelaw (Ward or Electoral Division) 10809 5700 77 3537 3
Byker (Ward or Electoral Division) 11767 4790 262 4990 2
Callerton & Throckley (Ward or Electoral Division) 9976 5920 213 414 24
Castle (Ward or Electoral Division) 12441 3930 340 584 21
Chapel (Ward or Electoral Division) 8877 4820 54 3254 3
Dene & South Gosforth (Ward or Electoral Division) 9879 4100 900 3334 3
Denton & Westerhope (Ward or Electoral Division) 12574 5600 92 5067 2
Elswick (Ward or Electoral Division) 16252 5480 477 5339 3
Fawdon & West Gosforth (Ward or Electoral Division) 10167 5440 469 4013 3
Gosforth (Ward or Electoral Division) 10665 4760 166 4765 2
Heaton (Ward or Electoral Division) 11415 5140 82 7252 2
Kenton (Ward or Electoral Division) 10878 4930 155 4981 2
Kingston Park South & Newbiggin Hall (Ward or Electoral Division) 10640 4190 143 3921 3
Lemington (Ward or Electoral Division) 9965 4500 311 2065 5
Manor Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 9344 3980 160 3925 2
Monument (Ward or Electoral Division) 18192 5960 3178 6005 3
North Jesmond (Ward or Electoral Division) 10448 4130 91 9237 1
Ouseburn (Ward or Electoral Division) 13964 8450 737 12785 1
Parklands (Ward or Electoral Division) 11259 5270 161 1279 9
South Jesmond (Ward or Electoral Division) 11175 3280 108 7879 1
Walker (Ward or Electoral Division) 11866 5470 210 4553 3
Walkergate (Ward or Electoral Division) 11699 6580 236 3280 4
West Fenham (Ward or Electoral Division) 11013 4440 113 4838 2
Wingrove (Ward or Electoral Division) 13417 3880 103 3343 4
Newcastle upon Tyne (Metropolitan Borough) 298264 138970 9455 2637 113
North East (English Region) 2646772 1272850 56483 309 8564
The North (Pan-region) 15550498 7197990 385871 409 38037
North of Tyne (Combined Authority) 828973 399460 19726 159 5204
Area Children in poverty Number of children IMD average score IMD - children IMD - older people Number of people living in low-income households Unemployment rate aged 16-64 (%) Economically inactive (%)
Arthur's Hill (Ward or Electoral Division) 4625
Benwell & Scotswood (Ward or Electoral Division) 3360
Blakelaw (Ward or Electoral Division) 3146
Byker (Ward or Electoral Division) 2857
Callerton & Throckley (Ward or Electoral Division) 2321
Castle (Ward or Electoral Division) 3451
Chapel (Ward or Electoral Division) 1556
Dene & South Gosforth (Ward or Electoral Division) 2247
Denton & Westerhope (Ward or Electoral Division) 3153
Elswick (Ward or Electoral Division) 5397
Fawdon & West Gosforth (Ward or Electoral Division) 2162
Gosforth (Ward or Electoral Division) 2522
Heaton (Ward or Electoral Division) 1529
Kenton (Ward or Electoral Division) 3081
Kingston Park South & Newbiggin Hall (Ward or Electoral Division) 2998
Lemington (Ward or Electoral Division) 2375
Manor Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 2052
Monument (Ward or Electoral Division) 2761
North Jesmond (Ward or Electoral Division) 1000
Ouseburn (Ward or Electoral Division) 1976
Parklands (Ward or Electoral Division) 2641
South Jesmond (Ward or Electoral Division) 1076
Walker (Ward or Electoral Division) 3384
Walkergate (Ward or Electoral Division) 2626
West Fenham (Ward or Electoral Division) 2999
Wingrove (Ward or Electoral Division) 3973
Newcastle upon Tyne (Metropolitan Borough) 18138 69968 30 4 29
North East (English Region) 587009 159116 4 26
The North (Pan-region) 3596949 856761 4 24
North of Tyne (Combined Authority) 179841 4 27