Place page for Sefton (Metropolitan Borough).
Population estimates for Sefton
This chart shows place-based statistics for Sefton. The map is coloured by population. Hover on the map for more detailed information.
- Place statistics | ||
Population estimate | 279,692 | |
Number of households | 130,070 | |
Population density | 1,812 people per sq. km | |
GVA | £4,552m | |
Area | 154 sq. km |
- Poverty statistics | ||
People in low income households | 0 | |
Unemployment | 2.4% | |
Economic Inactivity | 21.8% | |
Children in low income households | 10473 | |
IMD average score | 27.035 | |
IMD for children | 0.188 | |
IMD for older people | 0.169 |