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Place page for Wyre (Non-Metropolitan District (two-tier)).

Population estimates for Wyre

What's on this chart?

This chart shows place-based statistics for Wyre. The map is coloured by population. Hover on the map for more detailed information.

Bourne Population: 6,981 No. of Households: 2,530 GVA (£m): 256.027 Population density (per square km): 2,404 <a href="../E05009932/">Visit place page</a>Breck Population: 4,412 No. of Households: 2,030 GVA (£m): 181.073 Population density (per square km): 1,944 <a href="../E05009933/">Visit place page</a>Brock with Catterall Population: 4,765 No. of Households: 2,340 GVA (£m): 144.199 Population density (per square km): 137 <a href="../E05009934/">Visit place page</a>Calder Population: 2,467 No. of Households: 1,180 GVA (£m): 31.589 Population density (per square km): 124 <a href="../E05009935/">Visit place page</a>Carleton Population: 4,651 No. of Households: 1,740 GVA (£m): 21.014 Population density (per square km): 2,310 <a href="../E05009936/">Visit place page</a>Cleveleys Park Population: 4,756 No. of Households: 1,510 GVA (£m): 9.84 Population density (per square km): 3,333 <a href="../E05009937/">Visit place page</a>Garstang Population: 6,669 No. of Households: 3,540 GVA (£m): 102.221 Population density (per square km): 426 <a href="../E05009938/">Visit place page</a>Great Eccleston Population: 4,160 No. of Households: 1,940 GVA (£m): 85.097 Population density (per square km): 74 <a href="../E05009939/">Visit place page</a>Hambleton & Stalmine Population: 4,722 No. of Households: 2,260 GVA (£m): 51.502 Population density (per square km): 308 <a href="../E05009940/">Visit place page</a>Hardhorn with High Cross Population: 6,377 No. of Households: 3,700 GVA (£m): 41.273 Population density (per square km): 1,386 <a href="../E05009941/">Visit place page</a>Jubilee Population: 4,797 No. of Households: 2,840 GVA (£m): 46.344 Population density (per square km): 4,112 <a href="../E05009942/">Visit place page</a>Marsh Mill Population: 6,467 No. of Households: 2,710 GVA (£m): 44.137 Population density (per square km): 3,490 <a href="../E05009943/">Visit place page</a>Mount Population: 5,140 No. of Households: 2,130 GVA (£m): 98.492 Population density (per square km): 1,249 <a href="../E05009944/">Visit place page</a>Park Population: 4,996 No. of Households: 2,660 GVA (£m): 86.091 Population density (per square km): 3,553 <a href="../E05009945/">Visit place page</a>Pharos Population: 4,905 No. of Households: 3,220 GVA (£m): 76.764 Population density (per square km): 6,262 <a href="../E05009946/">Visit place page</a>Pheasant's Wood Population: 1,583 No. of Households: 1,550 GVA (£m): 13.829 Population density (per square km): 1,452 <a href="../E05009947/">Visit place page</a>Pilling Population: 2,723 No. of Households: 1,130 GVA (£m): 36.901 Population density (per square km): 76 <a href="../E05009948/">Visit place page</a>Preesall Population: 5,648 No. of Households: 2,920 GVA (£m): 45.496 Population density (per square km): 387 <a href="../E05009949/">Visit place page</a>Rossall Population: 6,326 No. of Households: 2,730 GVA (£m): 56.544 Population density (per square km): 3,107 <a href="../E05009950/">Visit place page</a>Stanah Population: 4,669 No. of Households: 2,180 GVA (£m): 19.296 Population density (per square km): 1,331 <a href="../E05009951/">Visit place page</a>Tithebarn Population: 4,245 No. of Households: 2,080 GVA (£m): 46.845 Population density (per square km): 2,174 <a href="../E05009952/">Visit place page</a>Victoria & Norcross Population: 4,291 No. of Households: 2,970 GVA (£m): 81.669 Population density (per square km): 3,014 <a href="../E05009953/">Visit place page</a>Warren Population: 4,944 No. of Households: 1,790 GVA (£m): 14.003 Population density (per square km): 4,434 <a href="../E05009954/">Visit place page</a>Wyresdale Population: 2,373 No. of Households: 1,100 GVA (£m): 28.805 Population density (per square km): 43 <a href="../E05009955/">Visit place page</a>
- Place statistics
Population estimate 112,457
Number of households 54,760
Population density 400 people per sq. km
GVA £1,660m
Area 281 sq. km
- Poverty statistics
People in low income households 0
Unemployment 7.8%
Economic Inactivity 33.9%
Children in low income households 3811
IMD average score 20.858
IMD for children 0.163
IMD for older people 0.128

Data Tables

Area Population estimate Number of households GVA (£m) Population density Area in sq km
Bourne (Ward or Electoral Division) 6981 2530 256 2404 3
Breck (Ward or Electoral Division) 4412 2030 181 1944 2
Brock with Catterall (Ward or Electoral Division) 4765 2340 144 137 35
Calder (Ward or Electoral Division) 2467 1180 32 124 20
Carleton (Ward or Electoral Division) 4651 1740 21 2310 2
Cleveleys Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 4756 1510 10 3333 1
Garstang (Ward or Electoral Division) 6669 3540 102 426 16
Great Eccleston (Ward or Electoral Division) 4160 1940 85 74 56
Hambleton & Stalmine (Ward or Electoral Division) 4722 2260 52 308 15
Hardhorn with High Cross (Ward or Electoral Division) 6377 3700 41 1386 5
Jubilee (Ward or Electoral Division) 4797 2840 46 4112 1
Marsh Mill (Ward or Electoral Division) 6467 2710 44 3490 2
Mount (Ward or Electoral Division) 5140 2130 98 1249 4
Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 4996 2660 86 3553 1
Pharos (Ward or Electoral Division) 4905 3220 77 6262 1
Pheasant's Wood (Ward or Electoral Division) 1583 1550 14 1452 1
Pilling (Ward or Electoral Division) 2723 1130 37 76 36
Preesall (Ward or Electoral Division) 5648 2920 45 387 15
Rossall (Ward or Electoral Division) 6326 2730 57 3107 2
Stanah (Ward or Electoral Division) 4669 2180 19 1331 4
Tithebarn (Ward or Electoral Division) 4245 2080 47 2174 2
Victoria & Norcross (Ward or Electoral Division) 4291 2970 82 3014 1
Warren (Ward or Electoral Division) 4944 1790 14 4434 1
Wyresdale (Ward or Electoral Division) 2373 1100 29 43 55
Wyre (Non-Metropolitan District (two-tier)) 112457 54760 1660 400 281
Lancashire (County) 1236035 568740 28908 428 2885
North West (English Region) 7422295 3414050 196026 526 14104
The North (Pan-region) 15550498 7197990 385871 409 38037
Area Children in poverty Number of children IMD average score IMD - children IMD - older people Number of people living in low-income households Unemployment rate aged 16-64 (%) Economically inactive (%)
Bourne (Ward or Electoral Division) 1666
Breck (Ward or Electoral Division) 827
Brock with Catterall (Ward or Electoral Division) 1093
Calder (Ward or Electoral Division) 473
Carleton (Ward or Electoral Division) 881
Cleveleys Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 730
Garstang (Ward or Electoral Division) 1029
Great Eccleston (Ward or Electoral Division) 847
Hambleton & Stalmine (Ward or Electoral Division) 861
Hardhorn with High Cross (Ward or Electoral Division) 1179
Jubilee (Ward or Electoral Division) 767
Marsh Mill (Ward or Electoral Division) 1075
Mount (Ward or Electoral Division) 1209
Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 1399
Pharos (Ward or Electoral Division) 937
Pheasant's Wood (Ward or Electoral Division) 282
Pilling (Ward or Electoral Division) 521
Preesall (Ward or Electoral Division) 901
Rossall (Ward or Electoral Division) 1489
Stanah (Ward or Electoral Division) 912
Tithebarn (Ward or Electoral Division) 770
Victoria & Norcross (Ward or Electoral Division) 734
Warren (Ward or Electoral Division) 1144
Wyresdale (Ward or Electoral Division) 417
Wyre (Non-Metropolitan District (two-tier)) 3811 22156 21 8 34
Lancashire (County) 280767 23 3 24
North West (English Region) 1733330 431265 4 23
The North (Pan-region) 3596949 856761 4 24