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Place page for Lancaster (Non-Metropolitan District (two-tier)).

Population estimates for Lancaster

What's on this chart?

This chart shows place-based statistics for Lancaster. The map is coloured by population. Hover on the map for more detailed information.

Bare Population: 6,905 No. of Households: 3,540 GVA (£m): 56.438 Population density (per square km): 3,673 <a href="../E05009592/">Visit place page</a>Bolton & Slyne Population: 7,145 No. of Households: 3,440 GVA (£m): 58.4 Population density (per square km): 467 <a href="../E05009593/">Visit place page</a>Bulk Population: 9,754 No. of Households: 4,360 GVA (£m): 208.847 Population density (per square km): 2,724 <a href="../E05009594/">Visit place page</a>Carnforth & Millhead Population: 6,086 No. of Households: 2,560 GVA (£m): 86.513 Population density (per square km): 939 <a href="../E05009595/">Visit place page</a>Castle Population: 5,997 No. of Households: 3,520 GVA (£m): 506.344 Population density (per square km): 7,067 <a href="../E05009596/">Visit place page</a>Ellel Population: 4,222 No. of Households: 1,800 GVA (£m): 65.71 Population density (per square km): 32 <a href="../E05009597/">Visit place page</a>Halton-with-Aughton Population: 2,666 No. of Households: 1,290 GVA (£m): 24.401 Population density (per square km): 166 <a href="../E05009598/">Visit place page</a>Harbour Population: 8,011 No. of Households: 3,730 GVA (£m): 34.344 Population density (per square km): 6,666 <a href="../E05009599/">Visit place page</a>Heysham Central Population: 4,744 No. of Households: 2,240 GVA (£m): 48.646 Population density (per square km): 3,827 <a href="../E05009600/">Visit place page</a>Heysham North Population: 5,110 No. of Households: 2,840 GVA (£m): 25.608 Population density (per square km): 5,538 <a href="../E05009601/">Visit place page</a>Heysham South Population: 7,051 No. of Households: 2,700 GVA (£m): 27.874 Population density (per square km): 2,174 <a href="../E05009602/">Visit place page</a>John O'Gaunt Population: 7,940 No. of Households: 2,170 GVA (£m): 48.366 Population density (per square km): 4,112 <a href="../E05009603/">Visit place page</a>Kellet Population: 2,154 No. of Households: 1,050 GVA (£m): 56.123 Population density (per square km): 52 <a href="../E05009604/">Visit place page</a>Lower Lune Valley Population: 4,630 No. of Households: 2,090 GVA (£m): 154.398 Population density (per square km): 28 <a href="../E05009605/">Visit place page</a>Marsh Population: 6,125 No. of Households: 2,320 GVA (£m): 56.019 Population density (per square km): 2,251 <a href="../E05009606/">Visit place page</a>Overton Population: 2,567 No. of Households: 1,230 GVA (£m): 285.882 Population density (per square km): 112 <a href="../E05009607/">Visit place page</a>Poulton Population: 5,727 No. of Households: 3,060 GVA (£m): 296.164 Population density (per square km): 4,746 <a href="../E05009608/">Visit place page</a>Scotforth East Population: 4,428 No. of Households: 2,070 GVA (£m): 18.547 Population density (per square km): 3,321 <a href="../E05009609/">Visit place page</a>Scotforth West Population: 7,622 No. of Households: 2,960 GVA (£m): 72.356 Population density (per square km): 1,330 <a href="../E05009610/">Visit place page</a>Silverdale Population: 1,881 No. of Households: 1,080 GVA (£m): 38.43 Population density (per square km): 119 <a href="../E05009611/">Visit place page</a>Skerton East Population: 6,892 No. of Households: 3,200 GVA (£m): 42.735 Population density (per square km): 4,707 <a href="../E05009612/">Visit place page</a>Skerton West Population: 6,847 No. of Households: 3,460 GVA (£m): 46.909 Population density (per square km): 3,447 <a href="../E05009613/">Visit place page</a>Torrisholme Population: 4,590 No. of Households: 1,950 GVA (£m): 26.419 Population density (per square km): 2,899 <a href="../E05009614/">Visit place page</a>University & Scotforth Rural Population: 7,041 No. of Households: 1,080 GVA (£m): 227.857 Population density (per square km): 936 <a href="../E05009615/">Visit place page</a>Upper Lune Valley Population: 2,533 No. of Households: 1,150 GVA (£m): 39.464 Population density (per square km): 29 <a href="../E05009616/">Visit place page</a>Warton Population: 2,018 No. of Households: 1,180 GVA (£m): 37.214 Population density (per square km): 103 <a href="../E05009617/">Visit place page</a>Westgate Population: 7,433 No. of Households: 3,360 GVA (£m): 251.43 Population density (per square km): 2,282 <a href="../E05009618/">Visit place page</a>
- Place statistics
Population estimate 142,162
Number of households 66,340
Population density 252 people per sq. km
GVA £2,937m
Area 565 sq. km
- Poverty statistics
People in low income households 0
Unemployment 0%
Economic Inactivity 20.5%
Children in low income households 5189
IMD average score 24.165
IMD for children 0.175
IMD for older people 0.142

Data Tables

Area Population estimate Number of households GVA (£m) Population density Area in sq km
Bare (Ward or Electoral Division) 6905 3540 56 3673 2
Bolton & Slyne (Ward or Electoral Division) 7145 3440 58 467 15
Bulk (Ward or Electoral Division) 9754 4360 209 2724 4
Carnforth & Millhead (Ward or Electoral Division) 6086 2560 87 939 6
Castle (Ward or Electoral Division) 5997 3520 506 7067 1
Ellel (Ward or Electoral Division) 4222 1800 66 32 132
Halton-with-Aughton (Ward or Electoral Division) 2666 1290 24 166 16
Harbour (Ward or Electoral Division) 8011 3730 34 6666 1
Heysham Central (Ward or Electoral Division) 4744 2240 49 3827 1
Heysham North (Ward or Electoral Division) 5110 2840 26 5538 1
Heysham South (Ward or Electoral Division) 7051 2700 28 2174 3
John O'Gaunt (Ward or Electoral Division) 7940 2170 48 4112 2
Kellet (Ward or Electoral Division) 2154 1050 56 52 42
Lower Lune Valley (Ward or Electoral Division) 4630 2090 154 28 166
Marsh (Ward or Electoral Division) 6125 2320 56 2251 3
Overton (Ward or Electoral Division) 2567 1230 286 112 23
Poulton (Ward or Electoral Division) 5727 3060 296 4746 1
Scotforth East (Ward or Electoral Division) 4428 2070 19 3321 1
Scotforth West (Ward or Electoral Division) 7622 2960 72 1330 6
Silverdale (Ward or Electoral Division) 1881 1080 38 119 16
Skerton East (Ward or Electoral Division) 6892 3200 43 4707 1
Skerton West (Ward or Electoral Division) 6847 3460 47 3447 2
Torrisholme (Ward or Electoral Division) 4590 1950 26 2899 2
University & Scotforth Rural (Ward or Electoral Division) 7041 1080 228 936 8
Upper Lune Valley (Ward or Electoral Division) 2533 1150 39 29 88
Warton (Ward or Electoral Division) 2018 1180 37 103 20
Westgate (Ward or Electoral Division) 7433 3360 251 2282 3
Lancaster (Non-Metropolitan District (two-tier)) 142162 66340 2937 252 565
Lancashire (County) 1236035 568740 28908 428 2885
North West (English Region) 7422295 3414050 196026 526 14104
The North (Pan-region) 15550498 7197990 385871 409 38037
Area Children in poverty Number of children IMD average score IMD - children IMD - older people Number of people living in low-income households Unemployment rate aged 16-64 (%) Economically inactive (%)
Bare (Ward or Electoral Division) 1355
Bolton & Slyne (Ward or Electoral Division) 1338
Bulk (Ward or Electoral Division) 2186
Carnforth & Millhead (Ward or Electoral Division) 1320
Castle (Ward or Electoral Division) 849
Ellel (Ward or Electoral Division) 965
Halton-with-Aughton (Ward or Electoral Division) 627
Harbour (Ward or Electoral Division) 1971
Heysham Central (Ward or Electoral Division) 1062
Heysham North (Ward or Electoral Division) 1309
Heysham South (Ward or Electoral Division) 1894
John O'Gaunt (Ward or Electoral Division) 1457
Kellet (Ward or Electoral Division) 422
Lower Lune Valley (Ward or Electoral Division) 915
Marsh (Ward or Electoral Division) 1336
Overton (Ward or Electoral Division) 507
Poulton (Ward or Electoral Division) 1422
Scotforth East (Ward or Electoral Division) 917
Scotforth West (Ward or Electoral Division) 1750
Silverdale (Ward or Electoral Division) 289
Skerton East (Ward or Electoral Division) 1630
Skerton West (Ward or Electoral Division) 1815
Torrisholme (Ward or Electoral Division) 809
University & Scotforth Rural (Ward or Electoral Division) 2383
Upper Lune Valley (Ward or Electoral Division) 466
Warton (Ward or Electoral Division) 347
Westgate (Ward or Electoral Division) 1817
Lancaster (Non-Metropolitan District (two-tier)) 5189 31645 24 21
Lancashire (County) 280767 23 3 24
North West (English Region) 1733330 431265 4 23
The North (Pan-region) 3596949 856761 4 24