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Place page for Cheshire West and Chester (Unitary Authority).

Population estimates for Cheshire West and Chester

What's on this chart?

This chart shows place-based statistics for Cheshire West and Chester. The map is coloured by population. Hover on the map for more detailed information.

Blacon Population: 13,719 No. of Households: 6,050 GVA (£m): 101.614 Population density (per square km): 2,712 <a href="../E05012209/">Visit place page</a>Central & Grange Population: 11,038 No. of Households: 5,640 GVA (£m): 209.112 Population density (per square km): 4,811 <a href="../E05012210/">Visit place page</a>Chester City & the Garden Quarter Population: 18,164 No. of Households: 5,040 GVA (£m): 1,705.609 Population density (per square km): 4,857 <a href="../E05012211/">Visit place page</a>Christleton & Huntington Population: 11,103 No. of Households: 3,350 GVA (£m): 1,528.18 Population density (per square km): 203 <a href="../E05012212/">Visit place page</a>Davenham, Moulton & Kingsmead Population: 10,752 No. of Households: 4,870 GVA (£m): 104.923 Population density (per square km): 595 <a href="../E05012213/">Visit place page</a>Farndon Population: 4,576 No. of Households: 2,170 GVA (£m): 40.36 Population density (per square km): 63 <a href="../E05012214/">Visit place page</a>Frodsham Population: 9,231 No. of Households: 4,330 GVA (£m): 112.75 Population density (per square km): 405 <a href="../E05012215/">Visit place page</a>Gowy Rural Population: 9,213 No. of Households: 4,430 GVA (£m): 216.941 Population density (per square km): 137 <a href="../E05012216/">Visit place page</a>Great Boughton Population: 10,581 No. of Households: 5,590 GVA (£m): 101.589 Population density (per square km): 3,679 <a href="../E05012217/">Visit place page</a>Handbridge Park Population: 8,639 No. of Households: 4,100 GVA (£m): 93.743 Population density (per square km): 977 <a href="../E05012218/">Visit place page</a>Hartford & Greenbank Population: 8,509 No. of Households: 4,130 GVA (£m): 96.081 Population density (per square km): 1,257 <a href="../E05012219/">Visit place page</a>Helsby Population: 5,046 No. of Households: 2,530 GVA (£m): 60.108 Population density (per square km): 881 <a href="../E05012220/">Visit place page</a>Lache Population: 5,783 No. of Households: 2,920 GVA (£m): 38.639 Population density (per square km): 5,118 <a href="../E05012221/">Visit place page</a>Ledsham & Manor Population: 9,111 No. of Households: 4,550 GVA (£m): 88.437 Population density (per square km): 2,701 <a href="../E05012222/">Visit place page</a>Little Neston Population: 4,646 No. of Households: 2,950 GVA (£m): 64.546 Population density (per square km): 485 <a href="../E05012223/">Visit place page</a>Malpas Population: 4,641 No. of Households: 2,230 GVA (£m): 74.855 Population density (per square km): 72 <a href="../E05012224/">Visit place page</a>Marbury Population: 12,867 No. of Households: 5,760 GVA (£m): 227.265 Population density (per square km): 186 <a href="../E05012225/">Visit place page</a>Neston Population: 5,714 No. of Households: 1,980 GVA (£m): 117.059 Population density (per square km): 904 <a href="../E05012226/">Visit place page</a>Netherpool Population: 5,672 No. of Households: 2,290 GVA (£m): 24.417 Population density (per square km): 1,056 <a href="../E05012227/">Visit place page</a>Newton & Hoole Population: 14,966 No. of Households: 7,180 GVA (£m): 143.946 Population density (per square km): 5,610 <a href="../E05012228/">Visit place page</a>Northwich Leftwich Population: 4,472 No. of Households: 2,870 GVA (£m): 167.427 Population density (per square km): 2,217 <a href="../E05012229/">Visit place page</a>Northwich Winnington & Castle Population: 8,731 No. of Households: 1,520 GVA (£m): 116.272 Population density (per square km): 2,248 <a href="../E05012230/">Visit place page</a>Northwich Witton Population: 5,148 No. of Households: 2,280 GVA (£m): 87.841 Population density (per square km): 1,535 <a href="../E05012231/">Visit place page</a>Parkgate Population: 4,867 No. of Households: 2,720 GVA (£m): 36.173 Population density (per square km): 664 <a href="../E05012232/">Visit place page</a>Rudheath Population: 5,472 No. of Households: 2,350 GVA (£m): 719.244 Population density (per square km): 1,998 <a href="../E05012233/">Visit place page</a>Sandstone Population: 4,890 No. of Households: 1,690 GVA (£m): 44.159 Population density (per square km): 106 <a href="../E05012234/">Visit place page</a>Saughall & Mollington Population: 5,124 No. of Households: 2,540 GVA (£m): 333.006 Population density (per square km): 120 <a href="../E05012235/">Visit place page</a>Shakerley Population: 5,004 No. of Households: 1,830 GVA (£m): 193.585 Population density (per square km): 97 <a href="../E05012236/">Visit place page</a>Strawberry Population: 5,140 No. of Households: 2,180 GVA (£m): 21.411 Population density (per square km): 4,907 <a href="../E05012237/">Visit place page</a>Sutton Villages Population: 10,935 No. of Households: 4,810 GVA (£m): 50.793 Population density (per square km): 4,293 <a href="../E05012238/">Visit place page</a>Tarporley Population: 4,764 No. of Households: 2,140 GVA (£m): 122.081 Population density (per square km): 115 <a href="../E05012239/">Visit place page</a>Tarvin & Kelsall Population: 8,942 No. of Households: 3,810 GVA (£m): 96.95 Population density (per square km): 144 <a href="../E05012240/">Visit place page</a>Tattenhall Population: 4,785 No. of Households: 1,970 GVA (£m): 97.544 Population density (per square km): 60 <a href="../E05012241/">Visit place page</a>Upton Population: 9,609 No. of Households: 4,130 GVA (£m): 403.711 Population density (per square km): 1,579 <a href="../E05012242/">Visit place page</a>Weaver & Cuddington Population: 14,264 No. of Households: 8,030 GVA (£m): 189.589 Population density (per square km): 408 <a href="../E05012243/">Visit place page</a>Westminster Population: 4,528 No. of Households: 0 GVA (£m): 1,088.308 Population density (per square km): 1,745 <a href="../E05012244/">Visit place page</a>Whitby Groves Population: 4,165 No. of Households: 1,900 GVA (£m): 114.983 Population density (per square km): 2,063 <a href="../E05012245/">Visit place page</a>Whitby Park Population: 4,989 No. of Households: 2,430 GVA (£m): 62.518 Population density (per square km): 3,447 <a href="../E05012246/">Visit place page</a>Willaston & Thornton Population: 4,823 No. of Households: 1,990 GVA (£m): 88.167 Population density (per square km): 207 <a href="../E05012247/">Visit place page</a>Winsford Dene Population: 4,394 No. of Households: 2,210 GVA (£m): 110.288 Population density (per square km): 2,858 <a href="../E05012248/">Visit place page</a>Winsford Gravel Population: 4,097 No. of Households: 1,840 GVA (£m): 94.269 Population density (per square km): 279 <a href="../E05012249/">Visit place page</a>Winsford Over & Verdin Population: 14,521 No. of Households: 7,210 GVA (£m): 323.953 Population density (per square km): 545 <a href="../E05012250/">Visit place page</a>Winsford Swanlow Population: 5,014 No. of Households: 2,150 GVA (£m): 20.088 Population density (per square km): 393 <a href="../E05012251/">Visit place page</a>Winsford Wharton Population: 5,603 No. of Households: 2,370 GVA (£m): 297.755 Population density (per square km): 1,492 <a href="../E05012252/">Visit place page</a>Wolverham Population: 5,571 No. of Households: 3,100 GVA (£m): 533.85 Population density (per square km): 3,977 <a href="../E05012253/">Visit place page</a>
- Place statistics
Population estimate 357,699
Number of households 164,430
Population density 393 people per sq. km
GVA £11,749m
Area 911 sq. km
- Poverty statistics
People in low income households 0
Unemployment 3.8%
Economic Inactivity 26.8%
Children in low income households 11379
IMD average score 18.083
IMD for children 0.145
IMD for older people 0.113

Data Tables

Area Population estimate Number of households GVA (£m) Population density Area in sq km
Blacon (Ward or Electoral Division) 13719 6050 102 2712 5
Central & Grange (Ward or Electoral Division) 11038 5640 209 4811 2
Chester City & the Garden Quarter (Ward or Electoral Division) 18164 5040 1706 4857 4
Christleton & Huntington (Ward or Electoral Division) 11103 3350 1528 203 55
Davenham, Moulton & Kingsmead (Ward or Electoral Division) 10752 4870 105 595 18
Farndon (Ward or Electoral Division) 4576 2170 40 63 73
Frodsham (Ward or Electoral Division) 9231 4330 113 405 23
Gowy Rural (Ward or Electoral Division) 9213 4430 217 137 67
Great Boughton (Ward or Electoral Division) 10581 5590 102 3679 3
Handbridge Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 8639 4100 94 977 9
Hartford & Greenbank (Ward or Electoral Division) 8509 4130 96 1257 7
Helsby (Ward or Electoral Division) 5046 2530 60 881 6
Lache (Ward or Electoral Division) 5783 2920 39 5118 1
Ledsham & Manor (Ward or Electoral Division) 9111 4550 88 2701 3
Little Neston (Ward or Electoral Division) 4646 2950 65 485 10
Malpas (Ward or Electoral Division) 4641 2230 75 72 64
Marbury (Ward or Electoral Division) 12867 5760 227 186 69
Neston (Ward or Electoral Division) 5714 1980 117 904 6
Netherpool (Ward or Electoral Division) 5672 2290 24 1056 5
Newton & Hoole (Ward or Electoral Division) 14966 7180 144 5610 3
Northwich Leftwich (Ward or Electoral Division) 4472 2870 167 2217 2
Northwich Winnington & Castle (Ward or Electoral Division) 8731 1520 116 2248 4
Northwich Witton (Ward or Electoral Division) 5148 2280 88 1535 3
Parkgate (Ward or Electoral Division) 4867 2720 36 664 7
Rudheath (Ward or Electoral Division) 5472 2350 719 1998 3
Sandstone (Ward or Electoral Division) 4890 1690 44 106 46
Saughall & Mollington (Ward or Electoral Division) 5124 2540 333 120 43
Shakerley (Ward or Electoral Division) 5004 1830 194 97 52
Strawberry (Ward or Electoral Division) 5140 2180 21 4907 1
Sutton Villages (Ward or Electoral Division) 10935 4810 51 4293 3
Tarporley (Ward or Electoral Division) 4764 2140 122 115 42
Tarvin & Kelsall (Ward or Electoral Division) 8942 3810 97 144 62
Tattenhall (Ward or Electoral Division) 4785 1970 98 60 80
Upton (Ward or Electoral Division) 9609 4130 404 1579 6
Weaver & Cuddington (Ward or Electoral Division) 14264 8030 190 408 35
Westminster (Ward or Electoral Division) 4528 1088 1745 3
Whitby Groves (Ward or Electoral Division) 4165 1900 115 2063 2
Whitby Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 4989 2430 63 3447 1
Willaston & Thornton (Ward or Electoral Division) 4823 1990 88 207 23
Winsford Dene (Ward or Electoral Division) 4394 2210 110 2858 2
Winsford Gravel (Ward or Electoral Division) 4097 1840 94 279 15
Winsford Over & Verdin (Ward or Electoral Division) 14521 7210 324 545 27
Winsford Swanlow (Ward or Electoral Division) 5014 2150 20 393 13
Winsford Wharton (Ward or Electoral Division) 5603 2370 298 1492 4
Wolverham (Ward or Electoral Division) 5571 3100 534 3977 1
Cheshire West and Chester (Unitary Authority) 357699 164430 11749 393 911
North West (English Region) 7422295 3414050 196026 526 14104
The North (Pan-region) 15550498 7197990 385871 409 38037
Area Children in poverty Number of children IMD average score IMD - children IMD - older people Number of people living in low-income households Unemployment rate aged 16-64 (%) Economically inactive (%)
Blacon (Ward or Electoral Division) 3582
Central & Grange (Ward or Electoral Division) 3012
Chester City & the Garden Quarter (Ward or Electoral Division) 2217
Christleton & Huntington (Ward or Electoral Division) 2721
Davenham, Moulton & Kingsmead (Ward or Electoral Division) 2549
Farndon (Ward or Electoral Division) 1043
Frodsham (Ward or Electoral Division) 1924
Gowy Rural (Ward or Electoral Division) 2063
Great Boughton (Ward or Electoral Division) 2317
Handbridge Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 1638
Hartford & Greenbank (Ward or Electoral Division) 1882
Helsby (Ward or Electoral Division) 1048
Lache (Ward or Electoral Division) 1473
Ledsham & Manor (Ward or Electoral Division) 1812
Little Neston (Ward or Electoral Division) 783
Malpas (Ward or Electoral Division) 997
Marbury (Ward or Electoral Division) 2629
Neston (Ward or Electoral Division) 1305
Netherpool (Ward or Electoral Division) 1156
Newton & Hoole (Ward or Electoral Division) 3186
Northwich Leftwich (Ward or Electoral Division) 954
Northwich Winnington & Castle (Ward or Electoral Division) 2231
Northwich Witton (Ward or Electoral Division) 1216
Parkgate (Ward or Electoral Division) 822
Rudheath (Ward or Electoral Division) 1150
Sandstone (Ward or Electoral Division) 976
Saughall & Mollington (Ward or Electoral Division) 1016
Shakerley (Ward or Electoral Division) 1122
Strawberry (Ward or Electoral Division) 994
Sutton Villages (Ward or Electoral Division) 2669
Tarporley (Ward or Electoral Division) 1022
Tarvin & Kelsall (Ward or Electoral Division) 1931
Tattenhall (Ward or Electoral Division) 1010
Upton (Ward or Electoral Division) 2417
Weaver & Cuddington (Ward or Electoral Division) 3071
Westminster (Ward or Electoral Division) 1179
Whitby Groves (Ward or Electoral Division) 896
Whitby Park (Ward or Electoral Division) 1094
Willaston & Thornton (Ward or Electoral Division) 857
Winsford Dene (Ward or Electoral Division) 965
Winsford Gravel (Ward or Electoral Division) 712
Winsford Over & Verdin (Ward or Electoral Division) 3834
Winsford Swanlow (Ward or Electoral Division) 1226
Winsford Wharton (Ward or Electoral Division) 1541
Wolverham (Ward or Electoral Division) 1545
Cheshire West and Chester (Unitary Authority) 11379 76634 18 4 27
North West (English Region) 1733330 431265 4 23
The North (Pan-region) 3596949 856761 4 24