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Place page for Cheshire East (Unitary Authority).

Population estimates for Cheshire East

What's on this chart?

This chart shows place-based statistics for Cheshire East. The map is coloured by population. Hover on the map for more detailed information.

Alderley Edge Population: 4,997 No. of Households: 2,630 GVA (£m): 298.857 Population density (per square km): 1,224 <a href="../E05008610/">Visit place page</a>Alsager Population: 12,458 No. of Households: 6,490 GVA (£m): 125.883 Population density (per square km): 1,368 <a href="../E05008611/">Visit place page</a>Audlem Population: 5,830 No. of Households: 2,060 GVA (£m): 73.732 Population density (per square km): 70 <a href="../E05008612/">Visit place page</a>Bollington Population: 8,695 No. of Households: 3,860 GVA (£m): 219.022 Population density (per square km): 1,078 <a href="../E05008613/">Visit place page</a>Brereton Rural Population: 6,601 No. of Households: 760 GVA (£m): 176.227 Population density (per square km): 67 <a href="../E05008614/">Visit place page</a>Broken Cross and Upton Population: 8,843 No. of Households: 4,050 GVA (£m): 176.753 Population density (per square km): 2,071 <a href="../E05008615/">Visit place page</a>Bunbury Population: 5,850 No. of Households: 1,040 GVA (£m): 576.421 Population density (per square km): 70 <a href="../E05008616/">Visit place page</a>Chelford Population: 4,130 No. of Households: 1,790 GVA (£m): 680.3 Population density (per square km): 74 <a href="../E05008617/">Visit place page</a>Congleton East Population: 13,417 No. of Households: 6,150 GVA (£m): 99.93 Population density (per square km): 802 <a href="../E05008618/">Visit place page</a>Congleton West Population: 13,406 No. of Households: 7,800 GVA (£m): 398.894 Population density (per square km): 2,442 <a href="../E05008619/">Visit place page</a>Crewe Central Population: 6,872 No. of Households: 990 GVA (£m): 114.089 Population density (per square km): 4,390 <a href="../E05008620/">Visit place page</a>Crewe East Population: 15,461 No. of Households: 7,530 GVA (£m): 1,631.218 Population density (per square km): 1,863 <a href="../E05008621/">Visit place page</a>Crewe North Population: 4,604 No. of Households: 2,580 GVA (£m): 16.721 Population density (per square km): 4,813 <a href="../E05008622/">Visit place page</a>Crewe St Barnabas Population: 5,692 No. of Households: 2,710 GVA (£m): 27.88 Population density (per square km): 3,340 <a href="../E05008623/">Visit place page</a>Crewe South Population: 12,599 No. of Households: 5,060 GVA (£m): 221.598 Population density (per square km): 5,073 <a href="../E05008624/">Visit place page</a>Crewe West Population: 10,806 No. of Households: 4,780 GVA (£m): 579.79 Population density (per square km): 4,083 <a href="../E05008625/">Visit place page</a>Dane Valley Population: 9,778 No. of Households: 4,760 GVA (£m): 228.949 Population density (per square km): 344 <a href="../E05008626/">Visit place page</a>Disley Population: 4,700 No. of Households: 2,270 GVA (£m): 56.052 Population density (per square km): 504 <a href="../E05008627/">Visit place page</a>Gawsworth Population: 4,097 No. of Households: 1,080 GVA (£m): 95.47 Population density (per square km): 45 <a href="../E05008628/">Visit place page</a>Handforth Population: 9,419 No. of Households: 4,310 GVA (£m): 357.719 Population density (per square km): 1,878 <a href="../E05008629/">Visit place page</a>Haslington Population: 8,412 No. of Households: 3,030 GVA (£m): 253.855 Population density (per square km): 221 <a href="../E05008630/">Visit place page</a>High Legh Population: 4,461 No. of Households: 2,240 GVA (£m): 160.933 Population density (per square km): 62 <a href="../E05008631/">Visit place page</a>Knutsford Population: 13,018 No. of Households: 6,150 GVA (£m): 656.597 Population density (per square km): 1,290 <a href="../E05008632/">Visit place page</a>Leighton Population: 5,028 No. of Households: 2,050 GVA (£m): 21.564 Population density (per square km): 935 <a href="../E05008633/">Visit place page</a>Macclesfield Central Population: 9,187 No. of Households: 4,210 GVA (£m): 304.868 Population density (per square km): 4,944 <a href="../E05008634/">Visit place page</a>Macclesfield East Population: 4,346 No. of Households: 670 GVA (£m): 41.711 Population density (per square km): 1,394 <a href="../E05008635/">Visit place page</a>Macclesfield Hurdsfield Population: 4,325 No. of Households: 2,270 GVA (£m): 2,944.287 Population density (per square km): 3,032 <a href="../E05008636/">Visit place page</a>Macclesfield South Population: 8,446 No. of Households: 5,430 GVA (£m): 201.484 Population density (per square km): 2,748 <a href="../E05008637/">Visit place page</a>Macclesfield Tytherington Population: 8,675 No. of Households: 4,080 GVA (£m): 267.668 Population density (per square km): 2,421 <a href="../E05008638/">Visit place page</a>Macclesfield West and Ivy Population: 7,957 No. of Households: 3,760 GVA (£m): 56.485 Population density (per square km): 4,273 <a href="../E05008639/">Visit place page</a>Middlewich Population: 14,204 No. of Households: 6,630 GVA (£m): 328.818 Population density (per square km): 1,727 <a href="../E05008640/">Visit place page</a>Mobberley Population: 4,747 No. of Households: 2,240 GVA (£m): 659.385 Population density (per square km): 96 <a href="../E05008641/">Visit place page</a>Nantwich North and West Population: 8,611 No. of Households: 4,840 GVA (£m): 222.068 Population density (per square km): 2,580 <a href="../E05008642/">Visit place page</a>Nantwich South and Stapeley Population: 9,609 No. of Households: 4,360 GVA (£m): 167.674 Population density (per square km): 1,122 <a href="../E05008643/">Visit place page</a>Odd Rode Population: 8,221 No. of Households: 3,300 GVA (£m): 160.394 Population density (per square km): 222 <a href="../E05008644/">Visit place page</a>Poynton East and Pott Shrigley Population: 7,523 No. of Households: 1,890 GVA (£m): 90.96 Population density (per square km): 218 <a href="../E05008645/">Visit place page</a>Poynton West and Adlington Population: 8,294 No. of Households: 4,190 GVA (£m): 208.684 Population density (per square km): 411 <a href="../E05008646/">Visit place page</a>Prestbury Population: 4,290 No. of Households: 1,600 GVA (£m): 151.122 Population density (per square km): 147 <a href="../E05008647/">Visit place page</a>Sandbach Elworth Population: 5,675 No. of Households: 1,910 GVA (£m): 149.319 Population density (per square km): 2,351 <a href="../E05008648/">Visit place page</a>Sandbach Ettiley Heath and Wheelock Population: 5,259 No. of Households: 1,850 GVA (£m): 61.285 Population density (per square km): 925 <a href="../E05008649/">Visit place page</a>Sandbach Heath and East Population: 4,388 No. of Households: 2,980 GVA (£m): 83.491 Population density (per square km): 1,059 <a href="../E05008650/">Visit place page</a>Sandbach Town Population: 5,763 No. of Households: 2,530 GVA (£m): 49.574 Population density (per square km): 1,783 <a href="../E05008651/">Visit place page</a>Shavington Population: 4,817 No. of Households: 2,860 GVA (£m): 33.499 Population density (per square km): 1,169 <a href="../E05008652/">Visit place page</a>Sutton Population: 4,127 No. of Households: 2,320 GVA (£m): 44.364 Population density (per square km): 45 <a href="../E05008653/">Visit place page</a>Willaston and Rope Population: 5,099 No. of Households: 2,340 GVA (£m): 38.389 Population density (per square km): 1,410 <a href="../E05008654/">Visit place page</a>Wilmslow Dean Row Population: 4,985 No. of Households: 2,820 GVA (£m): 86.985 Population density (per square km): 1,536 <a href="../E05008655/">Visit place page</a>Wilmslow East Population: 4,527 No. of Households: 1,380 GVA (£m): 72.256 Population density (per square km): 788 <a href="../E05008656/">Visit place page</a>Wilmslow Lacey Green Population: 4,806 No. of Households: 2,110 GVA (£m): 213.661 Population density (per square km): 691 <a href="../E05008657/">Visit place page</a>Wilmslow West and Chorley Population: 10,257 No. of Households: 5,000 GVA (£m): 598.622 Population density (per square km): 942 <a href="../E05008658/">Visit place page</a>Wistaston Population: 8,795 No. of Households: 4,920 GVA (£m): 63.558 Population density (per square km): 927 <a href="../E05008659/">Visit place page</a>Wrenbury Population: 4,800 No. of Households: 1,880 GVA (£m): 68.625 Population density (per square km): 42 <a href="../E05008660/">Visit place page</a>Wybunbury Population: 5,760 No. of Households: 1,720 GVA (£m): 67.771 Population density (per square km): 116 <a href="../E05008661/">Visit place page</a>
- Place statistics
Population estimate 400,528
Number of households 186,980
Population density 344 people per sq. km
GVA £14,643m
Area 1,165 sq. km
- Poverty statistics
People in low income households 0
Unemployment 3%
Economic Inactivity 15%
Children in low income households 11160
IMD average score 14.475
IMD for children 0.107
IMD for older people 0.086

Data Tables

Area Population estimate Number of households GVA (£m) Population density Area in sq km
Alderley Edge (Ward or Electoral Division) 4997 2630 299 1224 4
Alsager (Ward or Electoral Division) 12458 6490 126 1368 9
Audlem (Ward or Electoral Division) 5830 2060 74 70 83
Bollington (Ward or Electoral Division) 8695 3860 219 1078 8
Brereton Rural (Ward or Electoral Division) 6601 760 176 67 98
Broken Cross and Upton (Ward or Electoral Division) 8843 4050 177 2071 4
Bunbury (Ward or Electoral Division) 5850 1040 576 70 84
Chelford (Ward or Electoral Division) 4130 1790 680 74 55
Congleton East (Ward or Electoral Division) 13417 6150 100 802 17
Congleton West (Ward or Electoral Division) 13406 7800 399 2442 5
Crewe Central (Ward or Electoral Division) 6872 990 114 4390 2
Crewe East (Ward or Electoral Division) 15461 7530 1631 1863 8
Crewe North (Ward or Electoral Division) 4604 2580 17 4813 1
Crewe St Barnabas (Ward or Electoral Division) 5692 2710 28 3340 2
Crewe South (Ward or Electoral Division) 12599 5060 222 5073 2
Crewe West (Ward or Electoral Division) 10806 4780 580 4083 3
Dane Valley (Ward or Electoral Division) 9778 4760 229 344 28
Disley (Ward or Electoral Division) 4700 2270 56 504 9
Gawsworth (Ward or Electoral Division) 4097 1080 95 45 91
Handforth (Ward or Electoral Division) 9419 4310 358 1878 5
Haslington (Ward or Electoral Division) 8412 3030 254 221 38
High Legh (Ward or Electoral Division) 4461 2240 161 62 71
Knutsford (Ward or Electoral Division) 13018 6150 657 1290 10
Leighton (Ward or Electoral Division) 5028 2050 22 935 5
Macclesfield Central (Ward or Electoral Division) 9187 4210 305 4944 2
Macclesfield East (Ward or Electoral Division) 4346 670 42 1394 3
Macclesfield Hurdsfield (Ward or Electoral Division) 4325 2270 2944 3032 1
Macclesfield South (Ward or Electoral Division) 8446 5430 201 2748 3
Macclesfield Tytherington (Ward or Electoral Division) 8675 4080 268 2421 4
Macclesfield West and Ivy (Ward or Electoral Division) 7957 3760 56 4273 2
Middlewich (Ward or Electoral Division) 14204 6630 329 1727 8
Mobberley (Ward or Electoral Division) 4747 2240 659 96 49
Nantwich North and West (Ward or Electoral Division) 8611 4840 222 2580 3
Nantwich South and Stapeley (Ward or Electoral Division) 9609 4360 168 1122 9
Odd Rode (Ward or Electoral Division) 8221 3300 160 222 37
Poynton East and Pott Shrigley (Ward or Electoral Division) 7523 1890 91 218 34
Poynton West and Adlington (Ward or Electoral Division) 8294 4190 209 411 20
Prestbury (Ward or Electoral Division) 4290 1600 151 147 29
Sandbach Elworth (Ward or Electoral Division) 5675 1910 149 2351 2
Sandbach Ettiley Heath and Wheelock (Ward or Electoral Division) 5259 1850 61 925 6
Sandbach Heath and East (Ward or Electoral Division) 4388 2980 83 1059 4
Sandbach Town (Ward or Electoral Division) 5763 2530 50 1783 3
Shavington (Ward or Electoral Division) 4817 2860 33 1169 4
Sutton (Ward or Electoral Division) 4127 2320 44 45 91
Willaston and Rope (Ward or Electoral Division) 5099 2340 38 1410 4
Wilmslow Dean Row (Ward or Electoral Division) 4985 2820 87 1536 3
Wilmslow East (Ward or Electoral Division) 4527 1380 72 788 6
Wilmslow Lacey Green (Ward or Electoral Division) 4806 2110 214 691 7
Wilmslow West and Chorley (Ward or Electoral Division) 10257 5000 599 942 11
Wistaston (Ward or Electoral Division) 8795 4920 64 927 9
Wrenbury (Ward or Electoral Division) 4800 1880 69 42 114
Wybunbury (Ward or Electoral Division) 5760 1720 68 116 50
Cheshire East (Unitary Authority) 400528 186980 14643 344 1165
North West (English Region) 7422295 3414050 196026 526 14104
The North (Pan-region) 15550498 7197990 385871 409 38037
Area Children in poverty Number of children IMD average score IMD - children IMD - older people Number of people living in low-income households Unemployment rate aged 16-64 (%) Economically inactive (%)
Alderley Edge (Ward or Electoral Division) 1002
Alsager (Ward or Electoral Division) 2808
Audlem (Ward or Electoral Division) 1180
Bollington (Ward or Electoral Division) 1867
Brereton Rural (Ward or Electoral Division) 1583
Broken Cross and Upton (Ward or Electoral Division) 2146
Bunbury (Ward or Electoral Division) 1370
Chelford (Ward or Electoral Division) 786
Congleton East (Ward or Electoral Division) 2994
Congleton West (Ward or Electoral Division) 2720
Crewe Central (Ward or Electoral Division) 1819
Crewe East (Ward or Electoral Division) 3746
Crewe North (Ward or Electoral Division) 1159
Crewe St Barnabas (Ward or Electoral Division) 1792
Crewe South (Ward or Electoral Division) 2884
Crewe West (Ward or Electoral Division) 2754
Dane Valley (Ward or Electoral Division) 2022
Disley (Ward or Electoral Division) 922
Gawsworth (Ward or Electoral Division) 730
Handforth (Ward or Electoral Division) 2171
Haslington (Ward or Electoral Division) 1644
High Legh (Ward or Electoral Division) 904
Knutsford (Ward or Electoral Division) 3080
Leighton (Ward or Electoral Division) 1208
Macclesfield Central (Ward or Electoral Division) 1768
Macclesfield East (Ward or Electoral Division) 909
Macclesfield Hurdsfield (Ward or Electoral Division) 933
Macclesfield South (Ward or Electoral Division) 1990
Macclesfield Tytherington (Ward or Electoral Division) 1770
Macclesfield West and Ivy (Ward or Electoral Division) 1799
Middlewich (Ward or Electoral Division) 3151
Mobberley (Ward or Electoral Division) 849
Nantwich North and West (Ward or Electoral Division) 1632
Nantwich South and Stapeley (Ward or Electoral Division) 2216
Odd Rode (Ward or Electoral Division) 1428
Poynton East and Pott Shrigley (Ward or Electoral Division) 1459
Poynton West and Adlington (Ward or Electoral Division) 1805
Prestbury (Ward or Electoral Division) 832
Sandbach Elworth (Ward or Electoral Division) 1317
Sandbach Ettiley Heath and Wheelock (Ward or Electoral Division) 1225
Sandbach Heath and East (Ward or Electoral Division) 820
Sandbach Town (Ward or Electoral Division) 1190
Shavington (Ward or Electoral Division) 1072
Sutton (Ward or Electoral Division) 738
Willaston and Rope (Ward or Electoral Division) 1050
Wilmslow Dean Row (Ward or Electoral Division) 1179
Wilmslow East (Ward or Electoral Division) 1006
Wilmslow Lacey Green (Ward or Electoral Division) 1063
Wilmslow West and Chorley (Ward or Electoral Division) 2490
Wistaston (Ward or Electoral Division) 1636
Wrenbury (Ward or Electoral Division) 879
Wybunbury (Ward or Electoral Division) 1274
Cheshire East (Unitary Authority) 11160 85292 14 3 15
North West (English Region) 1733330 431265 4 23
The North (Pan-region) 3596949 856761 4 24