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Place page for East Riding of Yorkshire (Unitary Authority).

Population estimates for East Riding of Yorkshire

What's on this chart?

This chart shows place-based statistics for East Riding of Yorkshire. The map is coloured by population. Hover on the map for more detailed information.

Beverley Rural Population: 14,078 No. of Households: 5,640 GVA (£m): 208.146 Population density (per square km): 65 <a href="../E05001687/">Visit place page</a>Bridlington Central and Old Town Population: 11,025 No. of Households: 5,550 GVA (£m): 344.685 Population density (per square km): 221 <a href="../E05001688/">Visit place page</a>Bridlington North Population: 13,054 No. of Households: 6,030 GVA (£m): 74.023 Population density (per square km): 610 <a href="../E05001689/">Visit place page</a>Bridlington South Population: 14,671 No. of Households: 7,580 GVA (£m): 214.13 Population density (per square km): 1,804 <a href="../E05001690/">Visit place page</a>Cottingham North Population: 8,047 No. of Households: 4,220 GVA (£m): 212.78 Population density (per square km): 803 <a href="../E05001691/">Visit place page</a>Cottingham South Population: 9,643 No. of Households: 4,620 GVA (£m): 168.153 Population density (per square km): 2,041 <a href="../E05001692/">Visit place page</a>Dale Population: 18,125 No. of Households: 6,050 GVA (£m): 303.4 Population density (per square km): 201 <a href="../E05001693/">Visit place page</a>Driffield and Rural Population: 15,369 No. of Households: 6,390 GVA (£m): 284.261 Population density (per square km): 110 <a href="../E05001694/">Visit place page</a>East Wolds and Coastal Population: 14,547 No. of Households: 6,940 GVA (£m): 446.463 Population density (per square km): 38 <a href="../E05001695/">Visit place page</a>Goole North Population: 11,528 No. of Households: 4,910 GVA (£m): 82.968 Population density (per square km): 2,299 <a href="../E05001696/">Visit place page</a>Goole South Population: 11,157 No. of Households: 4,940 GVA (£m): 200.704 Population density (per square km): 1,856 <a href="../E05001697/">Visit place page</a>Hessle Population: 15,359 No. of Households: 7,250 GVA (£m): 493.772 Population density (per square km): 2,572 <a href="../E05001698/">Visit place page</a>Howden Population: 5,277 No. of Households: 2,840 GVA (£m): 162.014 Population density (per square km): 230 <a href="../E05001699/">Visit place page</a>Howdenshire Population: 15,283 No. of Households: 6,850 GVA (£m): 444.701 Population density (per square km): 58 <a href="../E05001700/">Visit place page</a>Mid Holderness Population: 13,769 No. of Households: 6,250 GVA (£m): 128.193 Population density (per square km): 63 <a href="../E05001701/">Visit place page</a>Minster and Woodmansey Population: 16,490 No. of Households: 8,310 GVA (£m): 281.42 Population density (per square km): 796 <a href="../E05001702/">Visit place page</a>North Holderness Population: 10,579 No. of Households: 5,040 GVA (£m): 178.935 Population density (per square km): 160 <a href="../E05001703/">Visit place page</a>Pocklington Provincial Population: 18,026 No. of Households: 7,590 GVA (£m): 305.337 Population density (per square km): 278 <a href="../E05001704/">Visit place page</a>St Mary's Population: 16,211 No. of Households: 7,830 GVA (£m): 455.553 Population density (per square km): 1,587 <a href="../E05001705/">Visit place page</a>Snaith, Airmyn, Rawcliffe and Marshland Population: 9,803 No. of Households: 4,450 GVA (£m): 284.474 Population density (per square km): 75 <a href="../E05001706/">Visit place page</a>South East Holderness Population: 14,927 No. of Households: 7,000 GVA (£m): 129.511 Population density (per square km): 79 <a href="../E05001707/">Visit place page</a>South Hunsley Population: 10,569 No. of Households: 4,850 GVA (£m): 333.866 Population density (per square km): 388 <a href="../E05001708/">Visit place page</a>South West Holderness Population: 14,412 No. of Households: 6,630 GVA (£m): 659.608 Population density (per square km): 265 <a href="../E05001709/">Visit place page</a>Tranby Population: 10,336 No. of Households: 4,910 GVA (£m): 122.85 Population density (per square km): 1,937 <a href="../E05001710/">Visit place page</a>Willerby and Kirk Ella Population: 13,727 No. of Households: 6,160 GVA (£m): 138.158 Population density (per square km): 1,325 <a href="../E05001711/">Visit place page</a>Wolds Weighton Population: 17,189 No. of Households: 7,600 GVA (£m): 388.475 Population density (per square km): 45 <a href="../E05001712/">Visit place page</a>
- Place statistics
Population estimate 343,143
Number of households 162,790
Population density 143 people per sq. km
GVA £7,442m
Area 2,403 sq. km
- Poverty statistics
People in low income households 0
Unemployment 2.9%
Economic Inactivity 20.2%
Children in low income households 9904
IMD average score 15.605
IMD for children 0.118
IMD for older people 0.108

Data Tables

Area Population estimate Number of households GVA (£m) Population density Area in sq km
Beverley Rural (Ward or Electoral Division) 14078 5640 208 65 216
Bridlington Central and Old Town (Ward or Electoral Division) 11025 5550 345 221 50
Bridlington North (Ward or Electoral Division) 13054 6030 74 610 21
Bridlington South (Ward or Electoral Division) 14671 7580 214 1804 8
Cottingham North (Ward or Electoral Division) 8047 4220 213 803 10
Cottingham South (Ward or Electoral Division) 9643 4620 168 2041 5
Dale (Ward or Electoral Division) 18125 6050 303 201 90
Driffield and Rural (Ward or Electoral Division) 15369 6390 284 110 139
East Wolds and Coastal (Ward or Electoral Division) 14547 6940 446 38 382
Goole North (Ward or Electoral Division) 11528 4910 83 2299 5
Goole South (Ward or Electoral Division) 11157 4940 201 1856 6
Hessle (Ward or Electoral Division) 15359 7250 494 2572 6
Howden (Ward or Electoral Division) 5277 2840 162 230 23
Howdenshire (Ward or Electoral Division) 15283 6850 445 58 263
Mid Holderness (Ward or Electoral Division) 13769 6250 128 63 217
Minster and Woodmansey (Ward or Electoral Division) 16490 8310 281 796 21
North Holderness (Ward or Electoral Division) 10579 5040 179 160 66
Pocklington Provincial (Ward or Electoral Division) 18026 7590 305 278 65
St Mary's (Ward or Electoral Division) 16211 7830 456 1587 10
Snaith, Airmyn, Rawcliffe and Marshland (Ward or Electoral Division) 9803 4450 284 75 130
South East Holderness (Ward or Electoral Division) 14927 7000 130 79 189
South Hunsley (Ward or Electoral Division) 10569 4850 334 388 27
South West Holderness (Ward or Electoral Division) 14412 6630 660 265 54
Tranby (Ward or Electoral Division) 10336 4910 123 1937 5
Willerby and Kirk Ella (Ward or Electoral Division) 13727 6160 138 1325 10
Wolds Weighton (Ward or Electoral Division) 17189 7600 388 45 383
East Riding of Yorkshire (Unitary Authority) 343143 162790 7442 143 2403
Yorkshire and The Humber (English Region) 5481431 2511090 133362 357 15370
The North (Pan-region) 15550498 7197990 385871 409 38037
Area Children in poverty Number of children IMD average score IMD - children IMD - older people Number of people living in low-income households Unemployment rate aged 16-64 (%) Economically inactive (%)
Beverley Rural (Ward or Electoral Division) 2951
Bridlington Central and Old Town (Ward or Electoral Division) 2531
Bridlington North (Ward or Electoral Division) 1714
Bridlington South (Ward or Electoral Division) 3170
Cottingham North (Ward or Electoral Division) 1587
Cottingham South (Ward or Electoral Division) 2016
Dale (Ward or Electoral Division) 3728
Driffield and Rural (Ward or Electoral Division) 3046
East Wolds and Coastal (Ward or Electoral Division) 2653
Goole North (Ward or Electoral Division) 2652
Goole South (Ward or Electoral Division) 2781
Hessle (Ward or Electoral Division) 3274
Howden (Ward or Electoral Division) 980
Howdenshire (Ward or Electoral Division) 3003
Mid Holderness (Ward or Electoral Division) 2495
Minster and Woodmansey (Ward or Electoral Division) 3407
North Holderness (Ward or Electoral Division) 1897
Pocklington Provincial (Ward or Electoral Division) 3729
St Mary's (Ward or Electoral Division) 3179
Snaith, Airmyn, Rawcliffe and Marshland (Ward or Electoral Division) 1939
South East Holderness (Ward or Electoral Division) 2956
South Hunsley (Ward or Electoral Division) 2351
South West Holderness (Ward or Electoral Division) 2759
Tranby (Ward or Electoral Division) 2290
Willerby and Kirk Ella (Ward or Electoral Division) 2720
Wolds Weighton (Ward or Electoral Division) 3569
East Riding of Yorkshire (Unitary Authority) 9904 67610 16 3 20
Yorkshire and The Humber (English Region) 1276610 266380 4 23
The North (Pan-region) 3596949 856761 4 24