Place page for Hartlepool (Unitary Authority).
Population estimates for Hartlepool
This chart shows place-based statistics for Hartlepool. The map is coloured by population. Hover on the map for more detailed information.
- Place statistics | ||
Population estimate | 92,571 | |
Number of households | 45,150 | |
Population density | 984 people per sq. km | |
GVA | £1,409m | |
Area | 94 sq. km |
- Poverty statistics | ||
People in low income households | 0 | |
Unemployment | 5% | |
Economic Inactivity | 27.4% | |
Children in low income households | 5870 | |
IMD average score | 35.037 | |
IMD for children | 0.283 | |
IMD for older people | 0.228 |
Data Tables
Area | Population estimate | Number of households | GVA (£m) | Population density | Area in sq km |
Burn Valley (Ward or Electoral Division) | — | 4410 | 221 | — | 3 |
De Bruce (Ward or Electoral Division) | — | 4240 | 125 | — | 3 |
Fens & Greatham (Ward or Electoral Division) | — | 2370 | 48 | — | 19 |
Foggy Furze (Ward or Electoral Division) | — | 4310 | 90 | — | 2 |
Hart (Ward or Electoral Division) | — | 2980 | 34 | — | 11 |
Headland & Harbour (Ward or Electoral Division) | — | 4370 | 266 | — | 4 |
Manor House (Ward or Electoral Division) | — | 4490 | 41 | — | 2 |
Rossmere (Ward or Electoral Division) | — | 4070 | 157 | — | 3 |
Rural West (Ward or Electoral Division) | — | 3670 | 63 | — | 32 |
Seaton (Ward or Electoral Division) | — | 3090 | 394 | — | 11 |
Throston (Ward or Electoral Division) | — | 3870 | 35 | — | 2 |
Victoria (Ward or Electoral Division) | — | 2070 | 22 | — | 1 |
Hartlepool (Unitary Authority) | 92571 | 45150 | 1409 | 984 | 94 |
North East (English Region) | 2646772 | 1272850 | 56483 | 309 | 8564 |
The North (Pan-region) | 15550498 | 7197990 | 385871 | 409 | 38037 |
Tees Valley (Combined Authority) | 678173 | 319600 | 14240 | 856 | 792 |