
We're documenting the priciples we adopt when doing our work to provide a framework for decision making. This could be decisions about adoption of a new technology, or whether to invest in a given project.

01_the_web // Use the web as it was intended

The web was conceived as a massively interconnected library of knowledge. We believe that this still has enormous transformational power. Too often the web is seen as no more than a technical delivery platform.

We strive to use the warp and weft of the web; URLs and hyperlinks; to build digital products that allow web standards to shine.

This will means employing cool URIs and designing sane URL schemes for our sites.

02_sustainability // Build for sustainability

There is no planet B. We care about our use of resources. This will apply to our code as much as anything else.

We strive to build digital products which are efficient when using computing power and network bandwidth.

This will result in products which work fast for people that use them. These products will be more inclusive, being usable by people with older, lower powered devices accessing via slower, limited, or costly network connections.

The Green Software movement will inspire us.

03_polyglot // Polyglot development

The web speaks many languages, and we believe that there is no reason to force our team to use just one.

We strive to select tools which leave the choice of development to the individual whilst providing a framework to ensure that the diverse languages can speak to one another.

This will ensure that we pick the right tool for the job.

We will be aware of the risk of my favourite tool becoming a golden hammer.