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Tanzania / TZA Population (2019): 58,005,463
Western Sahara / B28 Population (2017): 603,253
Democratic Republic of the Congo / COD Population (2019): 86,790,567
Somalia / SOM Population (2019): 10,192,317.3
Kenya / KEN Population (2019): 52,573,973
Sudan / SDN Population (2019): 42,813,238
Chad / TCD Population (2019): 15,946,876
South Africa / ZAF Population (2019): 58,558,270
Lesotho / LSO Population (2019): 2,125,268
Zimbabwe / ZWE Population (2019): 14,645,468
Botswana / BWA Population (2019): 2,303,697
Namibia / NAM Population (2019): 2,494,530
Senegal / SEN Population (2019): 16,296,364
Mali / MLI Population (2019): 19,658,031
Mauritania / MRT Population (2019): 4,525,696
Benin / BEN Population (2019): 11,801,151
Niger / NER Population (2019): 23,310,715
Nigeria / NGA Population (2019): 200,963,599
Cameroon / CMR Population (2019): 25,876,380
Togo / TGO Population (2019): 8,082,366
Ghana / GHA Population (2019): 30,417,856
Côte d'Ivoire / CIV Population (2019): 25,716,544
Guinea / GIN Population (2019): 12,771,246
Guinea-Bissau / GNB Population (2019): 1,920,922
Liberia / LBR Population (2019): 4,937,374
Sierra Leone / SLE Population (2019): 7,813,215
Burkina Faso / BFA Population (2019): 20,321,378
Central African Republic / CAF Population (2019): 4,745,185
Republic of the Congo / COG Population (2019): 5,380,508
Gabon / GAB Population (2019): 2,172,579
Equatorial Guinea / GNQ Population (2019): 1,355,986
Zambia / ZMB Population (2019): 17,861,030
Malawi / MWI Population (2019): 18,628,747
Mozambique / MOZ Population (2019): 30,366,036
Kingdom of eSwatini / SWZ Population (2019): 1,148,130
Angola / AGO Population (2019): 31,825,295
Burundi / BDI Population (2019): 11,530,580
Madagascar / MDG Population (2019): 26,969,307
The Gambia / GMB Population (2019): 2,347,706
Tunisia / TUN Population (2019): 11,694,719
Algeria / DZA Population (2019): 43,053,054
Eritrea / ERI Population (2020): 6,081,196
Morocco / MAR Population (2019): 36,471,769
Egypt / EGY Population (2019): 100,388,073
Libya / LBY Population (2019): 6,777,452
Ethiopia / ETH Population (2019): 112,078,730
Djibouti / DJI Population (2019): 973,560
Somaliland / SOL Population (2014): 5,096,159
Uganda / UGA Population (2019): 44,269,594
Rwanda / RWA Population (2019): 12,626,950
South Sudan / SDS Population (2019): 11,062,113
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