since January 1st, 2009
Parent area: London
Alternative name: Lambeth London Borough,London Borough of Lambeth Council
See Find that Postcode for detailed information on this geography.
Vacant homes
Dwellings and household projections
Affordable homes
Median house prices
Council tax stock of property
Net additional dwellings
Vacant homes in Lambeth §
See how Lambeth compares to the rest of the UK .
Skip line chart Date 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 Percent of all households 0 1 2 3 4 All Vacants 2004: 2.68% All Vacants 2005: 2.44% All Vacants 2006: 3.29% All Vacants 2007: 2.75% All Vacants 2008: 2.95% All Vacants 2009: 3.01% All Vacants 2010: 3.28% All Vacants 2011: 2.72% All Vacants 2012: 2.55% All Vacants 2013: 1.63% All Vacants 2014: 1.49% All Vacants 2015: 1.44% All Vacants 2016: 1.04% All Vacants 2017: 1.23% All Vacants 2018: 1.35% All Vacants 2019: 1.29% All Vacants 2020: 1.59% All Vacants 2021: 2.47% All Vacants 2022: 2.36% All Vacants 2023: 2.41% Long Term Vacants 2004: 1.59% Long Term Vacants 2005: 1.33% Long Term Vacants 2006: 2.24% Long Term Vacants 2007: 1.46% Long Term Vacants 2008: 1.58% Long Term Vacants 2009: 1.46% Long Term Vacants 2010: 1.7% Long Term Vacants 2011: 1.27% Long Term Vacants 2012: 1.05% Long Term Vacants 2013: 0.99% Long Term Vacants 2014: 1% Long Term Vacants 2015: 0.83% Long Term Vacants 2016: 0.55% Long Term Vacants 2017: 0.52% Long Term Vacants 2018: 0.65% Long Term Vacants 2019: 0.61% Long Term Vacants 2020: 0.78% Long Term Vacants 2021: 1.07% Long Term Vacants 2022: 1.24% Long Term Vacants 2023: 1.28% Go to the start of line chart
Data: Vacant home and long-term vacant home percentages are calculated by dividing the respective counts in
Table 615: vacant dwellings by local authority district: England, from 2004 by the dwelling count estimates in
Table 125: dwelling stock estimates by local authority district .
Dwellings and household projections in Lambeth §
Skip line chart Date 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 Households 0 100000 200000 Dwellings 2004: 122,819 Dwellings 2005: 123,839 Dwellings 2006: 125,207 Dwellings 2007: 126,555 Dwellings 2008: 127,978 Dwellings 2009: 129,289 Dwellings 2010: 130,655 Dwellings 2011: 132,213 Dwellings 2012: 133,281 Dwellings 2013: 134,035 Dwellings 2014: 135,508 Dwellings 2015: 137,138 Dwellings 2016: 138,704 Dwellings 2017: 140,058 Dwellings 2018: 141,820 Dwellings 2019: 143,258 Dwellings 2020: 144,994 Dwellings 2021: 146,411 Dwellings 2022: 146,773 Dwellings 2023: 147,259 Household Projections 2004: 119,387 Household Projections 2005: 120,350 Household Projections 2006: 121,248 Household Projections 2007: 122,458 Household Projections 2008: 123,761 Household Projections 2009: 125,525 Household Projections 2010: 126,691 Household Projections 2011: 129,131 Household Projections 2012: 131,148 Household Projections 2013: 132,445 Household Projections 2014: 134,168 Household Projections 2015: 135,836 Household Projections 2016: 136,910 Household Projections 2017: 137,069 Household Projections 2018: 137,675 Household Projections 2019: 138,028 Household Projections 2020: 138,345 Household Projections 2021: 138,679 Household Projections 2022: 139,599 Household Projections 2023: 140,438 Long Term Vacants 2004: 1,958 Long Term Vacants 2005: 1,642 Long Term Vacants 2006: 2,807 Long Term Vacants 2007: 1,851 Long Term Vacants 2008: 2,016 Long Term Vacants 2009: 1,884 Long Term Vacants 2010: 2,226 Long Term Vacants 2011: 1,676 Long Term Vacants 2012: 1,397 Long Term Vacants 2013: 1,329 Long Term Vacants 2014: 1,354 Long Term Vacants 2015: 1,142 Long Term Vacants 2016: 756 Long Term Vacants 2017: 734 Long Term Vacants 2018: 920 Long Term Vacants 2019: 868 Long Term Vacants 2020: 1,136 Long Term Vacants 2021: 1,563 Long Term Vacants 2022: 1,820 Long Term Vacants 2023: 1,886 Long Term Vacants 2024: 2,024 All Vacants 2004: 3,291 All Vacants 2005: 3,017 All Vacants 2006: 4,125 All Vacants 2007: 3,480 All Vacants 2008: 3,780 All Vacants 2009: 3,898 All Vacants 2010: 4,290 All Vacants 2011: 3,591 All Vacants 2012: 3,395 All Vacants 2013: 2,190 All Vacants 2014: 2,025 All Vacants 2015: 1,980 All Vacants 2016: 1,446 All Vacants 2017: 1,724 All Vacants 2018: 1,910 All Vacants 2019: 1,849 All Vacants 2020: 2,303 All Vacants 2021: 3,620 All Vacants 2022: 3,469 All Vacants 2023: 3,553 All Vacants 2024: 3,815 Go to the start of line chart
Data: Dwelling count estimates are from Table 125: dwelling stock estimates by local authority district . Household estimates are from the
2018-based household projections for local authorities and higher adminstrative areas within England .
Affordable homes in Lambeth §
Skip bar chart First Homes
Affordable Home Ownership
Shared Ownership
Intermediate Rent
Affordable Rent
London Affordable Rent
Social Rent
0 1000 200 400 600 800 1991-92 1992-93 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 1993-94 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 1994-95 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 Social Rent 2023-24: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2022-23: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2021-22: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2020-21: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2019-20: 4 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2018-19: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2017-18: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2016-17: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2015-16: 31 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2014-15: 207 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2013-14: 123 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2012-13: 175 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2011-12: 507 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2010-11: 709 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2009-10: 430 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2008-09: 233 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2007-08: 332 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2006-07: 240 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2005-06: 288 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2004-05: 173 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2003-04: 206 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2002-03: 215 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2001-02: 166 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2000-01: 190 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1999-00: 217 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1998-99: 199 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1997-98: 220 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1996-97: 294 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1995-96: 669 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1994-95: 388 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1993-94: 437 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1992-93: 776 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1991-92: 384 units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2023-24: 137 units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2022-23: 255 units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2021-22: 32 units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2020-21: 42 units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2019-20: 40 units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2018-19: 87 units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2017-18: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2016-17: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2015-16: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2014-15: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2013-14: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2012-13: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2011-12: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2010-11: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2009-10: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2008-09: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2007-08: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2006-07: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2005-06: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2004-05: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2003-04: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2002-03: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2001-02: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 2000-01: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 1999-00: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 1998-99: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 1997-98: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 1996-97: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 1995-96: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 1994-95: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 1993-94: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 1992-93: null units (bed spaces)London Affordable Rent 1991-92: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2023-24: 1 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2022-23: 80 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2021-22: 12 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2020-21: 161 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2019-20: 136 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2018-19: 14 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2017-18: 196 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2016-17: 14 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2015-16: 156 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2014-15: 201 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2013-14: 68 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2012-13: 13 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2011-12: 8 units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2010-11: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2009-10: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2008-09: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2007-08: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2006-07: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2005-06: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2004-05: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2003-04: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2002-03: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2001-02: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 2000-01: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 1999-00: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 1998-99: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 1997-98: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 1996-97: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 1995-96: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 1994-95: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 1993-94: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 1992-93: null units (bed spaces)Affordable Rent 1991-92: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2023-24: 6 units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2022-23: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2021-22: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2020-21: 9 units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2019-20: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2018-19: 69 units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2017-18: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2016-17: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2015-16: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2014-15: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2013-14: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2012-13: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2011-12: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2010-11: 22 units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2009-10: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2008-09: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2007-08: 12 units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2006-07: 20 units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2005-06: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2004-05: 28 units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2003-04: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2002-03: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2001-02: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 2000-01: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 1999-00: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 1998-99: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 1997-98: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 1996-97: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 1995-96: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 1994-95: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 1993-94: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 1992-93: null units (bed spaces)Intermediate Rent 1991-92: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2023-24: 42 units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2022-23: 89 units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2021-22: 12 units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2020-21: 168 units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2019-20: 175 units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2018-19: 117 units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2017-18: 111 units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2016-17: 66 units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2015-16: 50 units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2014-15: 381 units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2013-14: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2012-13: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2011-12: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2010-11: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2009-10: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2008-09: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2007-08: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2006-07: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2005-06: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2004-05: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2003-04: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2002-03: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2001-02: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 2000-01: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 1999-00: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 1998-99: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 1997-98: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 1996-97: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 1995-96: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 1994-95: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 1993-94: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 1992-93: null units (bed spaces)Shared Ownership 1991-92: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2023-24: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2022-23: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2021-22: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2020-21: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2019-20: 4 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2018-19: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2017-18: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2016-17: null units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2015-16: 31 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2014-15: 207 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2013-14: 123 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2012-13: 175 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2011-12: 507 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2010-11: 709 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2009-10: 430 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2008-09: 233 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2007-08: 332 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2006-07: 240 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2005-06: 288 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2004-05: 173 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2003-04: 206 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2002-03: 215 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2001-02: 166 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 2000-01: 190 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1999-00: 217 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1998-99: 199 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1997-98: 220 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1996-97: 294 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1995-96: 669 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1994-95: 388 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1993-94: 437 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1992-93: 776 units (bed spaces)Social Rent 1991-92: 384 units (bed spaces)First Homes 2023-24: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2022-23: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2021-22: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2020-21: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2019-20: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2018-19: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2017-18: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2016-17: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2015-16: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2014-15: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2013-14: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2012-13: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2011-12: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2010-11: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2009-10: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2008-09: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2007-08: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2006-07: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2005-06: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2004-05: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2003-04: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2002-03: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2001-02: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 2000-01: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 1999-00: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 1998-99: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 1997-98: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 1996-97: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 1995-96: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 1994-95: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 1993-94: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 1992-93: null units (bed spaces)First Homes 1991-92: null units (bed spaces)Go to the start of bar chart
Data : Affordable homes data comes from
Live tables on affordable housing supply published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. On this chart, we present the data from
Affordable housing supply open data . We use figures for completions, and group by date, tenure and local authority. This is equivalent to
Table 1000: additional affordable homes provided by type of scheme, England . The data processing pipeline is
published openly .
This chart shows the number of housing units (bed spaces) provided in addition to the exisiting afforable housing stock.
It is well-worth reading the
Affordable housing supply statistics bulletin for more detailed information. For definitions of what counts as affordable housing, see
Fact Sheet 9: What is Afforable housing?
Intermediate rent includes London Living Rent from 2017-18
From 2020/21, it is not possible to break down units between Social Rent and London Affordable Rent funded through some GLA schemes. When this happens they will be counted against Social Rent.
Shared Ownership figures for 2014-15 and 2015-16 are based on Homes England and the GLA figures only. Shared ownership units funded by other means are counted as affordable home ownership. Prior to 2014-15, all shared ownership units are counted as affordable home ownership.
House prices in Lambeth §
See house price to earnings ratio for England and Wales .
Skip line chart Date 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 2028 Median house price (£) 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 Median house price (£) Dec 1995: £66,500 Median house price (£) Mar 1996: £67,000 Median house price (£) Jun 1996: £70,000 Median house price (£) Sep 1996: £72,000 Median house price (£) Dec 1996: £75,000 Median house price (£) Mar 1997: £76,475 Median house price (£) Jun 1997: £79,500 Median house price (£) Sep 1997: £83,000 Median house price (£) Dec 1997: £85,000 Median house price (£) Mar 1998: £87,500 Median house price (£) Jun 1998: £92,000 Median house price (£) Sep 1998: £96,750 Median house price (£) Dec 1998: £100,000 Median house price (£) Mar 1999: £105,000 Median house price (£) Jun 1999: £109,000 Median house price (£) Sep 1999: £115,000 Median house price (£) Dec 1999: £121,625 Median house price (£) Mar 2000: £129,725 Median house price (£) Jun 2000: £140,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2000: £148,500 Median house price (£) Dec 2000: £157,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2001: £162,500 Median house price (£) Jun 2001: £166,500 Median house price (£) Sep 2001: £170,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2001: £174,375 Median house price (£) Mar 2002: £175,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2002: £180,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2002: £188,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2002: £195,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2003: £200,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2003: £202,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2003: £204,550 Median house price (£) Dec 2003: £202,500 Median house price (£) Mar 2004: £205,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2004: £211,500 Median house price (£) Sep 2004: £217,500 Median house price (£) Dec 2004: £220,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2005: £222,500 Median house price (£) Jun 2005: £225,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2005: £225,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2005: £229,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2006: £231,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2006: £236,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2006: £242,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2006: £246,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2007: £250,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2007: £250,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2007: £270,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2007: £280,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2008: £285,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2008: £285,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2008: £280,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2008: £275,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2009: £270,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2009: £265,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2009: £265,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2009: £275,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2010: £284,975 Median house price (£) Jun 2010: £292,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2010: £302,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2010: £302,500 Median house price (£) Mar 2011: £300,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2011: £302,500 Median house price (£) Sep 2011: £305,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2011: £310,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2012: £307,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2012: £312,500 Median house price (£) Sep 2012: £320,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2012: £321,250 Median house price (£) Mar 2013: £330,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2013: £330,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2013: £340,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2013: £350,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2014: £366,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2014: £390,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2014: £407,100 Median house price (£) Dec 2014: £420,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2015: £428,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2015: £435,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2015: £450,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2015: £460,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2016: £475,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2016: £494,500 Median house price (£) Sep 2016: £499,950 Median house price (£) Dec 2016: £508,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2017: £510,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2017: £510,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2017: £515,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2017: £520,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2018: £525,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2018: £527,500 Median house price (£) Sep 2018: £525,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2018: £525,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2019: £517,500 Median house price (£) Jun 2019: £520,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2019: £532,250 Median house price (£) Dec 2019: £537,875 Median house price (£) Mar 2020: £550,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2020: £554,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2020: £580,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2020: £590,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2021: £590,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2021: £575,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2021: £561,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2021: £555,891 Median house price (£) Mar 2022: £547,775 Median house price (£) Jun 2022: £545,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2022: £550,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2022: £550,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2023: £550,000 Median house price (£) Jun 2023: £550,000 Median house price (£) Sep 2023: £550,000 Median house price (£) Dec 2023: £550,000 Median house price (£) Mar 2024: £543,000 Go to the start of line chart
Data: Median house price estimates come from the ONS
Median house prices for administrative geographies . Published under Open Government Licensce v.3.0.
Population of Lambeth §
Skip line chart Date 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 Population 200000 300000 400000 Population 1991: 254,990 Population 1992: 255,614 Population 1993: 254,615 Population 1994: 256,622 Population 1995: 257,197 Population 1996: 259,743 Population 1997: 259,854 Population 1998: 263,843 Population 1999: 266,817 Population 2000: 270,028 Population 2001: 273,372 Population 2002: 273,041 Population 2003: 272,195 Population 2004: 274,262 Population 2005: 277,620 Population 2006: 280,524 Population 2007: 284,964 Population 2008: 289,126 Population 2009: 294,050 Population 2010: 297,650 Population 2011: 304,481 Population 2012: 310,449 Population 2013: 314,375 Population 2014: 318,196 Population 2015: 322,881 Population 2016: 326,613 Population 2017: 327,227 Population 2018: 328,923 Population 2019: 329,513 Population 2020: 325,527 Population 2021: 317,691 Population 2022: 316,700 Population 2023: 315,706 Go to the start of line chart
Data: Population estimates come from Office for National Statistics accessed (via Nomis)
Population estimates - local authority based by single year of age . Published under Open Government Licensce v.3.0.
Number of properties in Lambeth §
Skip line chart Date 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 Number of properties 100000 200000 Number of properties 1993: 117,620 Number of properties 1994: 117,170 Number of properties 1995: 116,900 Number of properties 1996: 117,210 Number of properties 1997: 118,030 Number of properties 1998: 118,950 Number of properties 1999: 119,740 Number of properties 2000: 120,070 Number of properties 2001: 121,060 Number of properties 2002: 122,300 Number of properties 2003: 123,230 Number of properties 2004: 124,370 Number of properties 2005: 124,950 Number of properties 2006: 126,330 Number of properties 2007: 127,560 Number of properties 2008: 128,690 Number of properties 2009: 129,990 Number of properties 2010: 131,620 Number of properties 2011: 132,900 Number of properties 2012: 133,920 Number of properties 2013: 134,940 Number of properties 2014: 136,510 Number of properties 2015: 137,980 Number of properties 2016: 139,370 Number of properties 2017: 140,370 Number of properties 2018: 141,830 Number of properties 2019: 143,660 Number of properties 2020: 144,890 Number of properties 2021: 146,430 Number of properties 2022: 146,920 Number of properties 2023: 147,540 Number of properties 2024: 147,960 Go to the start of line chart
Data: Stock of properties data come from the Valuation Office Agency Council Tax: stock of properties, 2024. Here we present data from
Table CTSOP 1.1: number of properties by Council Tax band and region,
county, local authority district, and lower and middle layer super output area, 1993 to 2024.
Net additional dwellings in Lambeth §
Skip line chart Date 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 Net additional dwellings 0 1000 2000 Net additional dwellings 2001-02: 1,065 Net additional dwellings 2002-03: 558 Net additional dwellings 2003-04: 806 Net additional dwellings 2004-05: 1,020 Net additional dwellings 2005-06: 1,368 Net additional dwellings 2006-07: 1,348 Net additional dwellings 2007-08: 1,423 Net additional dwellings 2008-09: 1,311 Net additional dwellings 2009-10: 1,366 Net additional dwellings 2010-11: 1,558 Net additional dwellings 2011-12: 1,069 Net additional dwellings 2012-13: 754 Net additional dwellings 2013-14: 1,473 Net additional dwellings 2014-15: 1,630 Net additional dwellings 2015-16: 1,566 Net additional dwellings 2016-17: 1,354 Net additional dwellings 2017-18: 1,762 Net additional dwellings 2018-19: 1,438 Net additional dwellings 2019-20: 1,736 Net additional dwellings 2020-21: 1,417 Net additional dwellings 2021-22: 362 Net additional dwellings 2022-23: 486 Go to the start of line chart
Data: Net additional dwellings data come from
Table 122 and Table 118 of the live tables on net supply of
housing . Published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Notes: On the chart, data points are set to the end date of the time period. Each year covers April to March. There are 16 data notes which can be viewed in the
ODF file for Table 122 . The three most recent are:
The 2017-18 published figure for Thanet has been manually adjusted by DLUHC to remove 84 units incorrectly included in the raw data by the authority. These units were empty homes returning to use and were removed as they did not meet the definition of a net additional dwelling.
Net additions for Isles of Scilly are negative for 2021-22 since it is a small local authority area with very limited development in this year.
Figures for the following local authorities were not submitted in 2022-23 so were imputed: Telford and Wrekin UA, Wiltshire UA and Ribble Valley.