Geography lookup builder

If you have a dataset that has data by, say, UK local authority and you want to combine that data into a different, larger-scale, geography such as UK regions - you'll need a lookup table to know which region each local authority is in. If the geographies are known to the ONS, the ONS geoportal is a great place to go to get lookups. But if either of your geographies are unknown to the ONS you may need to make your own. This tool aims to help.

  1. Smaller-scale geography

    Each feature will create a row in the output
    e.g. UK local authority district boundaries (2022)

    Drop GeoJSON file here
    (or click to browse files)
  2. Larger-scale geography

    The most-overlapping feature from this will be found
    e.g. ITL1 boundaries (2021)

    Drop GeoJSON file here
    (or click to browse files)
Anything equal or below this threshold will be set to 0 and anything equal or larger than 1-threshold will be set to 1).