West Yorkshire Local Skills Improvement Plan Data

Further Education

Skills Supply: Further Education

This page shows the latest available data (2021/22) for further education (FE), which is education below degree level for people above school age.

Datasets used:

Total Achievements in FE
Total Participation in FE

Local Authority

The following figures show data on Basic Skills, which consists of English and Maths up to GSCE level and basic digital skills. Participation represents anyone who took part on the course at any point during the year. Achievement represents anyone who gained a qualification during the year.

Local AuthorityBasic Skills Achievement to Participation Ratio

Basic Skills Participation by Subject Area

English as a second or other language
Essential Digital Skills
010002000300040005000WakefieldLeedsKirkleesCalderdaleBradfordEnglish Bradford: 3230English Calderdale: 810English Kirklees: 1600English Leeds: 3590English Wakefield: 1430Maths Bradford: 3840Maths Calderdale: 970Maths Kirklees: 2380Maths Leeds: 4150Maths Wakefield: 1680English as a second or other language Bradford: 1880English as a second or other language Calderdale: 370English as a second or other language Kirklees: 1200English as a second or other language Leeds: 3360English as a second or other language Wakefield: 540Essential Digital Skills Bradford: 280Essential Digital Skills Calderdale: 50Essential Digital Skills Kirklees: 200Essential Digital Skills Leeds: 200Essential Digital Skills Wakefield: 70

Basic Skills Achievement by Subject Area

English as a second or other language
Essential Digital Skills
01000200030004000WakefieldLeedsKirkleesCalderdaleBradfordEnglish Bradford: 1580English Calderdale: 320English Kirklees: 640English Leeds: 1710English Wakefield: 530Maths Bradford: 1710Maths Calderdale: 310Maths Kirklees: 1000Maths Leeds: 1740Maths Wakefield: 570English as a second or other language Bradford: 1710English as a second or other language Calderdale: 350English as a second or other language Kirklees: 950English as a second or other language Leeds: 3110English as a second or other language Wakefield: 460Essential Digital Skills Bradford: 140Essential Digital Skills Calderdale: 30Essential Digital Skills Kirklees: 110Essential Digital Skills Leeds: 120Essential Digital Skills Wakefield: 40

National Vocational Qulaification (NVQ)

The NVQ is a work based qualification. In the figures below, 'enrolments' represent anyone who took part in the course during the year, while 'achievements' represent those that gained a qualification. There are breakdowns by gender, ethnicity, NVQ level and subject. NVQ level 1 is roughly equivalent to 3/4 GCSE grades D-G. NVQ level 4 is roughly equivalent to a Higher Education Certificate/BTEC.

NVQ Enrolments: Level and Gender Split

Not Assigned
01000020000300004000050000MaleFemaleEntry Female: 13628Entry Male: 86921 Female: 97461 Male: 83862 Female: 177222 Male: 87103 Female: 40003 Male: 26044+ Female: 13564+ Male: 1018Not Assigned Female: 1890Not Assigned Male: 1610

NVQ Achievements: Level and Gender Split

Not Assigned
010000200003000040000MaleFemaleEntry Female: 11762Entry Male: 73101 Female: 78061 Male: 69682 Female: 129482 Male: 68063 Female: 27303 Male: 18124+ Female: 10884+ Male: 976Not Assigned Female: 1738Not Assigned Male: 1366

NVQ Enrolments: Level and Ethnicity Split

Not Assigned
010000200003000040000WhiteOther Ethnic GroupNot ProvidedMixed/ Multiple Ethnic GroupBlack/African/Caribbean/Black BritishAsian/ Asian BritishEntry Asian/ Asian British: 6690Entry Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 3566Entry Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group: 914Entry Not Provided: 1062Entry Other Ethnic Group: 4316Entry White: 57721 Asian/ Asian British: 53041 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 19481 Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group: 9621 Not Provided: 5421 Other Ethnic Group: 13021 White: 80742 Asian/ Asian British: 57042 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 24142 Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group: 11702 Not Provided: 5442 Other Ethnic Group: 10442 White: 155563 Asian/ Asian British: 12623 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 7343 Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group: 4943 Not Provided: 4263 Other Ethnic Group: 3783 White: 33104+ Asian/ Asian British: 3604+ Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 3204+ Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group: 3364+ Not Provided: 3204+ Other Ethnic Group: 3204+ White: 718Not Assigned Asian/ Asian British: 836Not Assigned Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 438Not Assigned Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group: 370Not Assigned Not Provided: 336Not Assigned Other Ethnic Group: 400Not Assigned White: 1120

NVQ Achievements: Level and Ethnicity Split

Not Assigned
0100002000030000WhiteOther Ethnic GroupNot ProvidedMixed/ Multiple Ethnic GroupBlack/African/Caribbean/Black BritishAsian/ Asian BritishEntry Asian/ Asian British: 5702Entry Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 3128Entry Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group: 818Entry Not Provided: 974Entry Other Ethnic Group: 3770Entry White: 46801 Asian/ Asian British: 41501 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 15761 Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group: 8021 Not Provided: 4941 Other Ethnic Group: 10801 White: 66722 Asian/ Asian British: 41462 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 19262 Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group: 9102 Not Provided: 4182 Other Ethnic Group: 8642 White: 114903 Asian/ Asian British: 8743 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 5643 Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group: 4023 Not Provided: 3363 Other Ethnic Group: 3283 White: 20384+ Asian/ Asian British: 3444+ Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 3204+ Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group: 3204+ Not Provided: 3204+ Other Ethnic Group: 3204+ White: 440Not Assigned Asian/ Asian British: 708Not Assigned Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: 420Not Assigned Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group: 346Not Assigned Not Provided: 336Not Assigned Other Ethnic Group: 384Not Assigned White: 910

NVQ Enrolments: Subject and Ethnicity Split

Asian/Asian British
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group
Not Provided
Other Ethnic Group
010000200003000040000Social SciencesScience and MathematicsEngineering and Manufacturing TechnologiesEducation and TrainingConstruction, Planning and the Built EnvironmentBusiness, Administration and LawArts, Media and PublishingAgriculture, Horticulture and Animal CareRetail and Commercial EnterprisePreparation for Life and WorkNot Applicable/ Not KnownLeisure, Travel and TourismLanguages, Literature and CultureInformation and Communication TechnologyHistory, Philosophy and TheologyHealth, Public Services and CareAsian/Asian British Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care: 136Asian/Asian British Arts, Media and Publishing: 536Asian/Asian British Business, Administration and Law: 706Asian/Asian British Construction, Planning and the Built Environment: 466Asian/Asian British Education and Training: 758Asian/Asian British Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies: 414Asian/Asian British Health, Public Services and Care: 3158Asian/Asian British History, Philosophy and Theology: 120Asian/Asian British Information and Communication Technology: 1506Asian/Asian British Languages, Literature and Culture: 564Asian/Asian British Leisure, Travel and Tourism: 256Asian/Asian British Not Applicable/ Not Known: 252Asian/Asian British Preparation for Life and Work: 9308Asian/Asian British Retail and Commercial Enterprise: 1036Asian/Asian British Science and Mathematics: 786Asian/Asian British Social Sciences: 154Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care: 120Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Arts, Media and Publishing: 152Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Business, Administration and Law: 334Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Construction, Planning and the Built Environment: 274Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Education and Training: 224Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies: 286Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Health, Public Services and Care: 916Black/African/Caribbean/Black British History, Philosophy and Theology: 120Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Information and Communication Technology: 480Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Languages, Literature and Culture: 542Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Leisure, Travel and Tourism: 212Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Not Applicable/ Not Known: 128Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Preparation for Life and Work: 4566Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Retail and Commercial Enterprise: 358Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Science and Mathematics: 588Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Social Sciences: 120Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care: 120Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Arts, Media and Publishing: 144Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Business, Administration and Law: 224Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Construction, Planning and the Built Environment: 216Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Education and Training: 170Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies: 202Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Health, Public Services and Care: 528Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group History, Philosophy and Theology: 120Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Information and Communication Technology: 250Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Languages, Literature and Culture: 180Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Leisure, Travel and Tourism: 168Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Not Applicable/ Not Known: 136Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Preparation for Life and Work: 1182Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Retail and Commercial Enterprise: 270Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Science and Mathematics: 216Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Social Sciences: 120Not Provided Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care: 120Not Provided Arts, Media and Publishing: 120Not Provided Business, Administration and Law: 120Not Provided Construction, Planning and the Built Environment: 136Not Provided Education and Training: 136Not Provided Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies: 146Not Provided Health, Public Services and Care: 186Not Provided History, Philosophy and Theology: 120Not Provided Information and Communication Technology: 160Not Provided Languages, Literature and Culture: 170Not Provided Leisure, Travel and Tourism: 202Not Provided Not Applicable/ Not Known: 120Not Provided Preparation for Life and Work: 1036Not Provided Retail and Commercial Enterprise: 168Not Provided Science and Mathematics: 170Not Provided Social Sciences: 120Other Ethnic Group Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care: 120Other Ethnic Group Arts, Media and Publishing: 136Other Ethnic Group Business, Administration and Law: 202Other Ethnic Group Construction, Planning and the Built Environment: 172Other Ethnic Group Education and Training: 190Other Ethnic Group Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies: 136Other Ethnic Group Health, Public Services and Care: 404Other Ethnic Group History, Philosophy and Theology: 120Other Ethnic Group Information and Communication Technology: 466Other Ethnic Group Languages, Literature and Culture: 274Other Ethnic Group Leisure, Travel and Tourism: 128Other Ethnic Group Not Applicable/ Not Known: 128Other Ethnic Group Preparation for Life and Work: 4712Other Ethnic Group Retail and Commercial Enterprise: 198Other Ethnic Group Science and Mathematics: 254Other Ethnic Group Social Sciences: 120White Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care: 606White Arts, Media and Publishing: 864White Business, Administration and Law: 2112White Construction, Planning and the Built Environment: 1682White Education and Training: 1238White Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies: 1174White Health, Public Services and Care: 8840White History, Philosophy and Theology: 146White Information and Communication Technology: 1916White Languages, Literature and Culture: 840White Leisure, Travel and Tourism: 646White Not Applicable/ Not Known: 272White Preparation for Life and Work: 10258White Retail and Commercial Enterprise: 2742White Science and Mathematics: 1044White Social Sciences: 170

NVQ Achievements: Subject and Ethnicity Split

Asian/Asian British
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group
Not Provided
Other Ethnic Group
0100002000030000Social SciencesScience and MathematicsEngineering and Manufacturing TechnologiesEducation and TrainingConstruction, Planning and the Built EnvironmentBusiness, Administration and LawArts, Media and PublishingAgriculture, Horticulture and Animal CareRetail and Commercial EnterprisePreparation for Life and WorkNot Applicable/ Not KnownLeisure, Travel and TourismLanguages, Literature and CultureInformation and Communication TechnologyHistory, Philosophy and TheologyHealth, Public Services and CareAsian/Asian British Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care: 128Asian/Asian British Arts, Media and Publishing: 402Asian/Asian British Business, Administration and Law: 502Asian/Asian British Construction, Planning and the Built Environment: 368Asian/Asian British Education and Training: 632Asian/Asian British Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies: 376Asian/Asian British Health, Public Services and Care: 2486Asian/Asian British History, Philosophy and Theology: 120Asian/Asian British Information and Communication Technology: 1098Asian/Asian British Languages, Literature and Culture: 468Asian/Asian British Leisure, Travel and Tourism: 218Asian/Asian British Not Applicable/ Not Known: 182Asian/Asian British Preparation for Life and Work: 7388Asian/Asian British Retail and Commercial Enterprise: 846Asian/Asian British Science and Mathematics: 582Asian/Asian British Social Sciences: 128Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care: 120Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Arts, Media and Publishing: 144Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Business, Administration and Law: 258Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Construction, Planning and the Built Environment: 256Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Education and Training: 198Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies: 248Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Health, Public Services and Care: 688Black/African/Caribbean/Black British History, Philosophy and Theology: 120Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Information and Communication Technology: 374Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Languages, Literature and Culture: 482Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Leisure, Travel and Tourism: 188Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Not Applicable/ Not Known: 120Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Preparation for Life and Work: 3808Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Retail and Commercial Enterprise: 320Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Science and Mathematics: 490Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Social Sciences: 120Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care: 120Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Arts, Media and Publishing: 136Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Business, Administration and Law: 168Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Construction, Planning and the Built Environment: 190Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Education and Training: 144Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies: 202Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Health, Public Services and Care: 396Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group History, Philosophy and Theology: 120Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Information and Communication Technology: 196Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Languages, Literature and Culture: 162Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Leisure, Travel and Tourism: 152Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Not Applicable/ Not Known: 120Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Preparation for Life and Work: 948Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Retail and Commercial Enterprise: 254Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Science and Mathematics: 170Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Group Social Sciences: 120Not Provided Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care: 120Not Provided Arts, Media and Publishing: 120Not Provided Business, Administration and Law: 120Not Provided Construction, Planning and the Built Environment: 136Not Provided Education and Training: 128Not Provided Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies: 138Not Provided Health, Public Services and Care: 152Not Provided History, Philosophy and Theology: 120Not Provided Information and Communication Technology: 152Not Provided Languages, Literature and Culture: 144Not Provided Leisure, Travel and Tourism: 128Not Provided Not Applicable/ Not Known: 120Not Provided Preparation for Life and Work: 892Not Provided Retail and Commercial Enterprise: 152Not Provided Science and Mathematics: 136Not Provided Social Sciences: 120Other Ethnic Group Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care: 120Other Ethnic Group Arts, Media and Publishing: 128Other Ethnic Group Business, Administration and Law: 160Other Ethnic Group Construction, Planning and the Built Environment: 172Other Ethnic Group Education and Training: 180Other Ethnic Group Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies: 128Other Ethnic Group Health, Public Services and Care: 312Other Ethnic Group History, Philosophy and Theology: 120Other Ethnic Group Information and Communication Technology: 374Other Ethnic Group Languages, Literature and Culture: 234Other Ethnic Group Leisure, Travel and Tourism: 128Other Ethnic Group Not Applicable/ Not Known: 120Other Ethnic Group Preparation for Life and Work: 4036Other Ethnic Group Retail and Commercial Enterprise: 178Other Ethnic Group Science and Mathematics: 236Other Ethnic Group Social Sciences: 120White Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care: 454White Arts, Media and Publishing: 704White Business, Administration and Law: 1492White Construction, Planning and the Built Environment: 1408White Education and Training: 972White Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies: 872White Health, Public Services and Care: 6364White History, Philosophy and Theology: 136White Information and Communication Technology: 1462White Languages, Literature and Culture: 672White Leisure, Travel and Tourism: 510White Not Applicable/ Not Known: 178White Preparation for Life and Work: 7858White Retail and Commercial Enterprise: 2198White Science and Mathematics: 798White Social Sciences: 152

Enrolments Tree Map

In the treemap below, the area of each rectangle represents the number of enrolments in each subject.
Preparation for Life and Work had 31062 enrolments
Preparation for Life and Work
Health, Public Services and Care had 14032 enrolments
Health, Public Services and Care
Information and Communication Technology had 4778 enrolments
Information and Communication Technology
Retail and Commercial Enterprise had 4772 enrolments
Retail and Commercial Enterprise
Business, Administration and Law had 3698 enrolments
Business, Administration and Law
Science and Mathematics had 3058 enrolments
Science and Mathematics
Construction, Planning and the Built Environment had 2946 enrolments
Construction, Planning and the Built Environment
Education and Training had 2716 enrolments
Education and Training
Languages, Literature and Culture had 2570 enrolments
Languages, Literature and Culture
Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies had 2358 enrolments
Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies
Arts, Media and Publishing had 1952 enrolments
Arts, Media and Publishing
Leisure, Travel and Tourism had 1612 enrolments
Leisure, Travel and Tourism
Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care had 1222 enrolments
Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care
Not Applicable/ Not Known had 1036 enrolments
Not Applicable/ Not Known
Social Sciences had 804 enrolments
Social Sciences
History, Philosophy and Theology had 746 enrolments
History, Philosophy and Theology


Shown below is the apprenticeship level of study for different age groups. The levels are approximately:

  • Intermediate: Level 2
  • Advanced: Level 3
  • Higher: Level 4/5
  • Apprenticeship Participations: Level and Age Split

    Under 19
    01000015000200005000Apprenticeships: IntermediateApprenticeships: HigherApprenticeships: Advanced19-24 Apprenticeships: Advanced: 596019-24 Apprenticeships: Higher: 306019-24 Apprenticeships: Intermediate: 258025+ Apprenticeships: Advanced: 602025+ Apprenticeships: Higher: 714025+ Apprenticeships: Intermediate: 2620Under 19 Apprenticeships: Advanced: 3080Under 19 Apprenticeships: Higher: 280Under 19 Apprenticeships: Intermediate: 3120

    Apprenticeship Achievements: Level and Age Split

    Under 19
    01000200030004000Apprenticeships: IntermediateApprenticeships: HigherApprenticeships: Advanced19-24 Apprenticeships: Advanced: 109019-24 Apprenticeships: Higher: 46019-24 Apprenticeships: Intermediate: 57025+ Apprenticeships: Advanced: 120025+ Apprenticeships: Higher: 102025+ Apprenticeships: Intermediate: 560Under 19 Apprenticeships: Advanced: 760Under 19 Apprenticeships: Higher: 70Under 19 Apprenticeships: Intermediate: 770